Can't Stop!

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Short Chapter

Yoongi lay on his bed staring at the ceiling, still sore from the heated session he  had with his "friend".
Tae was always like that. He leaves immediately like nothing ever happened . This has been going on for months. They hooked up whenever they both wanted,but never a few days in a row.Mostly to blow off some steam because their dating life was practically non-existent as they were under public scrutiny almost all the time. Both agreed to be friends with benefits, but Yoongi was not so sure if that's what he felt any more.
He longed for more intimacy. He wanted Taehyung to stay and hold him and have small talk or just sleep in bed with him.
Yeah, it started as  two people who just wanted sex and one drunken night's adventure turned into  something like this.
But now he felt dirty when tae left immediately , he felt like shit the next morning..and facing him everyday was getting tougher,and he felt himself changing, his behaviour  and attitude towards the younger.  .He knew he was beginning to fall in love.
And thats something he never wanted, not with Taehyung  or anyone else.
And feeling that way about him was the worst because he was kind of sure the younger never felt the same way or never will
.That's why he asked Taehyung to stop their arrangement, saying that the other members were noticing and they might get into trouble.
But the younger did not seem to care and they ended up sleeping together more than usual and yoongi didn't even try to stop him, because every time it came  to Tae touching him or doing anything intimate ,he just submitted almost immediately.
This upcoming  concert was a big deal. The intense practice and dancing sessions every day were putting too much pressure on them . Yes, he longed for some kind of release after a tiring day, but still whatever he and tae had is changed.. at least for him..

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