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Thanks to all the people who are reading this.😊😊
Warning: Mentions Sexual activity.

The group was back from a very long TV interview taping, which finished by late afternoon, and all of them were tired. They split up to rest and do their personal stuff.

Yoongi, instead of sleeping in like always, spent a little time talking with Hobi and then decided to go to his genius lab to work on his new music and also to avoid being around with Taehyung as the whole day was indeed difficult for him. He noticed that the younger kept eyeing him throughout the day, even during the filming, as if he wanted to say something but it was stuck in his throat. At one point, while they were doing makeup, Tae kept looking at Yoongi with puppy eyes, and Yoongi was so sure that he would come up and talk, but it never happened, much to his disappointment. He sincerely wished to end their cold war, but he didn't know what was going on inside the man's head or if initiating a conversation would be a good idea.

Tae was left alone in his room. He laid on his bed, staring at the ceiling, thinking and analysing everything that happened with Yoongi. while he got a notification about a live by one of the members. It turned out to be Namjoon and Jin.
He was already going crazy with the things Jimin asked him, so he decided to watch the elders live, which is promised to be chaotic and fun, which probably can help to clear his mind.
A few minutes into the live, they talked about other members and the projects they were working on.Namjoon mentioned Suga and how he and Suga were working on creating a new song, the idea to which was conceived on a drunken night when the entire group got drunk in the dorm and caused a lot of chaos .

Tae's mind travelled to that day as soon he heard Namjoon mentioning it.

That day was wild; everyone was drunk, even Taehyung, who was not much of a drinker. As usual, Hobi went silent, while others were pure chaos, especially Yoongi. Some of them managed to reach bedrooms, others slept on couches and floors. Somehow, as Taehyung was stumbling towards his room or some room he thought was his bedroom, he heard Yoongi's voice calling him or yelling for him. He wondered why his hyung was calling him, and his drunk mind guided him towards the voice, which was in the door outside Yoongi. He forgot his password for the lock to his room.
"Hy... Hyunngggg..you called me" Tae asked rubbing his eyes to clear his vision.
"Taehyungah Hyung forgot the password..the password " Yoongi pouted
"Ask jungkook "
"I don't know where he is." Yoongi pouted more
He then  sighed loudly "I'm so drunk.. I want to sleep; I'm going to sleep here on the floor, " he said, laying down while Tae stopped him.
"Hyung, no, co..come to my room..we can sleep there come"
He helped  Yoongi to stand up, while trying to maintain his own balance.
"No, I'm lazy" Yoongi said leaning on to the yougers shoulder
"I'll carry you...hop on"
Tae bent over to give him a piggyback ride...and Yoongi agreed ,thanks to all the alcohol in the system.
Even after tripping and almost falling a few times.They somehow managed to reach the room, and they fell to the bed losing balance while Yoongi tried to get down ..Taehyung on top of Yoongi.
They stayed like that for a bit, too tired to move.
"You smell like pine trees, Tae.. "Yoongi mumbled."
Tae woke up and looked at his hyung, blinking
"I do? I don't know how pine trees smell...And you smell like—I don't know ..you... I love  it...when did you smell pine trees?"
Yoongi smiled wide staring at the ceiling hearing the younger.
"You have a really pretty smile, Hyung." Tae said looking at Yoongi's lips
"And you are the most handsome man in the world..literally...everyone says so.."
Tae smiled at him, still staying in the position.

Yoongi shifted under him because of Tae's weight on him..Tae was definitely heavier and bigger than him, he let out a sound that sounded much like an erotic moan.
Taes' drunken eyes lit up for a moment.
"Wh..what?" Yoongi questioned looking around
"That was so sexy." Tae said with his big eyes
Yoongi snorted loudly hearing the younger, and then laughed slightly, when the laughter subsided Tae called Softly
Tae tooka deep breath "I haven't had sex in an year.." he blurted out
Yoongi looked at his maknae. He was indeed very handsome. His soft features had matured and developed into more sharp ones over these years. He went from a boy to a man—a real hot and attractive man.
"Me too.." Yoongi admitted
Slowly the manly scent which he called as "pine tree scent" was engulfing him, and feeling a man's weight on top of him like that was bringing some unwanted thoughts to his mind.
The same was the case with Taehyung; Yoongi was breathtaking for him; he did grow up well..the perfect combination of hot and cute..a dangerous combination, and he was under him, trapped under his body weight..Tae for a second imagined how it would look to have this hot rapper submit to him.
His breath hitched as he imagined some really bad things about the elder.

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