The Chaos

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The rest of the days were pure torture for Tae. Jimin stayed close to Yoongi; they were either laughing or talking to each other on their f ree time and breaks.Yoongi totally iced him out, even during night he stayed with one of the members till late, blocking Tae from any chances of being alone with the elder.But the concert dates were up on them, so he decided to concentrated more on that.

After the concert, everyone decided to take a few days off to visit their homes.
Their group schedules were about to start in a few weeks so they all began to come back to their dorm one by one last to arrive was yoongi.
He was cleaning up his toom and  changing his sheets  and then he heard a knock.
He opened the door and saw a smiling Jimin, extending his hands with a bag at the end of it.
"Here... tangerines I bought it for you."
Yoongis' face lit up
"Thankyou jimin..How did you know i was back?"
"Jin hyung told me"
" Come inside and talk .." he moved to a side inviting him inside
" when did you come back" he asked as jimin entered the room .
" Last and Jungkookie came together"
" ohh that's nice"
"Hyung, do you want to go out today?"
"Today..!!" he looked at him with big eyes and scratched his head as he was planning to sleep for the rest of the day.
Jimin understood the elders actions
"You are too lazy, Hyungie.."Jimin laughed
"My friend is opening a new restaurant, and he wants me to taste his menu. I thought I'd bring you along since you know about food.I rhought of asking Jin hyung first but he has other plans"
"Ahh, free food..then I'm in."
"Ok, it's a date. " Jimin smiled
" then i ll leave you to the cleaning process..we will leave at 7 that ok?"Jimin asked moving towards the door.
Yoongi gave a thumbs up in agreement.


It was about 7 when Tae was chillin' in the living room playing games with Jungkook, When Jimin came ready for his  night out.
"Jiminssiiii...." Jungkook whistled upon seeing Jimin in his tight black jeans and a loose black shirt that revealed a lot of his chest.A tiny choker on his neck .

"What are you up to? " he asked
"Going out" jimin gave a vague answer
"to a restaurant "
" what restaurant why didn't you call me to come along....ohhh is it a date.... You are going on a date aren't you..Why would you dress up like this otherwise...Tell me who it is." He jumped up from the couch leaving the game and asked
Just then, Yoongi walked in along with Jin, who was trying to put a jacket on Yoongi.
"It will look good.  Hear me out. Yoongiyah!"
"I don't want it. I'm already wearing a jacket."
"But this looks better."
"Why are you so interested in dressing me up suddenly?Leave me alone, Hyung."
"Jimin, this will look good on him, don't you think?"
Jin stopped on his tracks upon seeing Jimin and asked him loud enough for everyone to hear.

Jimin gave a fond smile to both of them.
"I think hyung looks good now too."
"Ahh, these kids have no fashion sense. Ahhhh..anyway, who am I to interfere with your date?" Jin said side eyeing Taehyung.
Tae sat straight and looked at Jimin and Yoongi .

"You're taking Yoongi Hyung on a date... " Jungkook's doe eyes got even bigger.
"It's not a date, Kookie.."Yoongi said.
"Who is on a date?! "
Namjoon entered, eating a bag of chips.
"Yoongi Hyung and Jiminssi "Jungkook answered.
"It's not a date, Joon " Yoongi tried to explain
"You guys are going on a date... "Hobi too came to the room.
"Oh for the love of god!" Yoongi sighed loudly
"Hyung, you didn't tell me, I'm hurt." he slapped Yoongi's arm.
"Oh my's ..It's not a date! Yoongi yelled, making everyone go silent at once.
He took a deep breath and continued in a more calmer tone.
"We are just going outside to eat at Jimin's friend's restaurant."
"So its a date... " Jin said
"Arghh..i can't argue with you guys,  whatever, let's leave Jimin."
He dragged Jimin by his shirt sleeve with him while others laughed while Taehyung sat there shocked.
'So Jimin was serious about what he said'

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