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Late that night, Jimin decided to take the matter to Jin. He didn't want Hobi or Jingkook to get involved because those two idiots love Yoongi so much they might kill Tae for this.
And he didn't want to burden Namjoon, as he already had a lot of issues to handle as the leader. Hence, the eldest Hyung is the best option.
He knocked at Jin's door, biting on his nails nervously.
Jin opened the door and looked at his youger, confused. "Do you need something, Jiminah?"
"Sorry, Hyung. But I need to talk."
Jin nodded and moved to one side, inviting the younger inside.

"What can we do, Jimin?" If he is doing this willingly, we can't intervene. "They are both adults."
"But hyung.." Jimin started to protest.
"Tae said he got his consent, didn't he?"
"Yes but.."
Jin sighed "Even though he is a bit weird and possessive, I don't think he will forcefully make Yoongi do something.We know Tae that much, and Yoongi is the most badass among us. He would have said no if he wanted to..they both are into some pretty odd stuff, I long as he consents to whatever shit they are doing, it's not our business."
"Hyung, why are you supporting Tae so much?" "You hated this when we first found out."
"Yeah..what can we do?" That moron is in love, and he just goes blind. "
Jin bit his tongue and stopped talking, realising his mistake.
"What?!" in love? "Who is in love?" Jimin asked with a shocked expression his eyes getting bigger as he talked.
Jin gulped it down, cursing himself in his mind for blurting out Yoongi's secret.
Damn, that pale cat is going to kill me, he thought.
"Oh god, Yoongi Hyung.. He's in love with our Taetae..ohh..oh my freaking..what?! I don't believe this is impossible. No way."
Jimin blabberd, unable to believe what Jin said.

".Oh, what the hell? Yeah, he likes him. I think that is why he is game for whatever weird stuff Tae is pulling on him." Jin said, taking a deep breath.
"Shit, it feels good to say it out loud." Seokjin took a sigh of relief
"Oh my god!!! That's so messed up. "Jimin sat there shocked.
"I'm sorry, Jimin, it was yoongi's secret, not mine to tell, but I did it anyways , my stupid big mouth..Please don't tell anyone or Yoongi that I shared it with you. He is a scary dude; he might kill me for real."
"No, no, Hyung, I'm ok. I won't tell anyone. "It's just messed up."
Yeah...I know..I don't know why Yoongi, of all the people, is being like this. I think love makes people go crazy, and I'm just hoping that this won't affect our concert in any way. We literally have one week left, and these two are stirring up a lot of trouble. Namjoon and others know they are sleeping together , but he doesn't know that it got messy like this.I don't want him to worry about this in between all the stress he already have"
"Do tae know about this..? Jimin asked still trying to comprehend the new information.
"I don't think so. The only thing I know is that Yoongi tried stopping their whole thing a few times, and once he sees Taehyung, he forgets whatever he planned. And that boy is not backing down at all. Guess the sex is that good." Jin scoffed
Jimin went silent for a moment and spoke again furrowing his eyebrows
"I think Tae got jealous. I think that was jealousy."
"Jealous?of what?"
" know we drank and stayed together last night.Tae started acting weird and moody after that, and today I think he warned me to stay away from Hyung too.Yoongi hyung said he thought we were dating or something"
Jins eyes went wide hearing it "You and Yoongi...He sure is a weird boy. But Yoongi always liked him, I guess. I mean, even before they started sleeping together, he was always happy with Taehyung. They were practically inseparable when we started out."
"Yeah, that's what I'm thinking, Hyung.I don't think this is just about the sex being good.What if he likes him too? I mean, Taehyungie is not a bad person—we all know that—and he is the sweetest, but he is possessive of his things. and he acts crazy when something goes wrong with the stuff he loves."
"Ahh, I don't think so, Jiminah. This is a very wrong way to show someone you love them. Maybe he hates that you cock blocked him or something. I don't know" Jin said shrugging
"It's our Taehyungie. When has he done things normally? It doesn't hurt to find out, Hyung. If he likes Yoongi hyung, then they can be a couple. Otherwise, we save them and our band from trouble"
Jin thought for a moment and nodded in agreement "That's right too..maybe he didn't even realise that he likes Yoongi. How can they? Those two  need to take a break from fucking each other, and talk like normal people right? All they do ismaking that damned bed squeak all night..and making my poor kookie wear headphones to sleep, "Ahh, this is so messed up that it's giving me a headache."
"Should we just find out, Hyung..." Jimin grinned
"What are you thinking ?!"
I think I have a plan.

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