The plan

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Double Update😎
A day after Jin and Jimin made their grand plan to find out Taehyung's feelings,
Yoongi was sitting in the kitchen cutting vegetables for Jin; they were having a slow day since they perfected their choreography and took a day off to collect themselves before the final intense practise days.

"Ahhh, Jin Hyung, what smells so good?" Jungkook came sniffing like the bunny he is and hugged Jin from behind.
"Aishh, this kid... I'm standing near the fire, go away." Jin shrugged off from the youngest's grip .
He pouted and went near Yoongi and yelled.
Yoonngii....he purposefully ignored the honorifics and hugged his hyung.
"Ahhhhh, Jungkookiee, don't squeeze me."
He furrowed his eyebrows hating the human contact.
"You are just like a cat, Hyung."
Jungkook then sat on Yoongi's lap, facing him, with both his legs on each side, hugged him, and rested his head on the elders neck.
"Hajima..Jin Hyungiee..make this kid go away." He begged his only hyung
Jin laughed seeing how the you gest always got to do whatever he wanted with the scary pale man without getting scolded.
"You smell nice, Hyung." He sniffed him like amd bunny and kept hugging him.

Just then, Hobi and Taehyung came into the kitchen searching for the source of the delicious smell.
Hobi laughed as soon as he saw Kookie behaving silly with Yoongi and decided to capture the scene in his phone whileTae ruffled Kookie's hair fondly.Then he gave a small smile to Yoongi, but Yoongi's Face went blank as soon as he saw Tae looking at him.
"Hey is your shoulder pain? Tae asked."
"It's ok.. "Yoongi said without looking at him.
"Your shoulder hurts again.? "Jungkook sat up from his position and touched his hyungs shoulder softly, pouting, worried that he is in pain.
" I m ok Jungkooka don't worry" Yoongi assured the youngest knowing very well that he might seem careless and playful most times but he deeply loved all his hyungs.

Jimin entered the kitchen just then, looking like he just got out of the shower his hair still wet and his shirt buttons open.
"Woohoo, Jimin! You're looking sexy!" Hobi said whistling.
"I just got out of the shower, Hyung. What are you saying? " jimin blushed
Kookie got up from Sugas lap to look at Jimin from head to toe.
"Jiminssssiii.." he slapped his butt and earned a slap back from Jimin.
"Ahh, Jungkookie, stop playing around and go look if Joon woke up. I'm making more coffee."
Jin pushed Kook out of the kitchen.
And he slightly nudged Jimin and pointed in Yoongi's direction.
Jimin gave a small nod and went toward Yoongi.
"Hey, Hyung, want some help with that?"
"Ahh no..i'm almost done.." Yoongi said pursing his lips and finishing up his work.
Jimin put his wet hair back and leaned against the counter.
"One of these days you need to teach me cooking, Hyung." He said looking carefully at Yoongis hands moving .
"I can teach you.. " Jin said while stirring the food.
"I want Suga Hyung to teach me..."
"Woooooooo " Hobi squealed.
"Wooohhhh " jin sang chorus.
".are you going to have a private cooking class then just the two of you?" He winked at them suggestively
Jimin smiled from ear to ear, and Yoongi suddenly got red from all the teasing.
"Stop it, you idiots." Yoongi hissed at them.
Tae glared at Jimin, literally giving him the death glare.

Jimin then continued his talks with Yoongi, flirting at times even through the lunch. He kept touching his hands and kept his hands on Yoongi's thighs while whispering things into his ear.

What the hell are you doing, Jimin?
"Ohh hey, Tae, why are you not ready we need to get to practice " Jimin said packing his bag in his room purposefully ignoring Taes sullen mood
Taehyung didn't talk and just kept staring at jimin with an angry face..

"What do you want?" Tae asked after a few moments
"You came to my room tell me what uou want!"
"I told you to stay away from Hyung. Then why in the hell were you flirting with him today?"
Jimin scoffed "Why can't I? He is single, isn't he? I'm single too, and I like him , you know that. And why do I have to listen to you? Who the hell is he to you?!
"Don't be ridiculous, Jimin."
"Stop acting like his boyfriend,Tae"
"Jimin.."tae was furious.
"What?!" He raised his eyebrows enough to get the Younger mad.
"If you don't stop..." Tae pointed his fingers at his friend
"What?? Why are you so bothered by this? He is not your boyfriend . Go find someone else to put your dick in; he is not your personal toy.As far as i know he is done with you and your craziness .Ohh, and I think I am going to ask him out on a date, actually. I think he needs to be with someone normal other than a crazy bitch like you who doesn't respect him."
And Jimin pushed Tae aside, took his bag, and left.

He left out a sigh after he was out of Taehyungs sight .He knew he went a little too far with his words, but he knew it was needed.

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