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Jungkook, Namjoon and Jimin were eating the waffles Jin made for breakfast while Yoongi just sat there nursing his regular coffee and ignoring the food Jin put in front of him.

"Any idea what kind of game is happening today "Jin asked while putting more food in Jungkook's plate
"Hopefully not cooking.." Namjoon said pouring more syrup to his plate"I don't want to be a meme source for our fans..again!"
"Hyung how can you still be soo bad at cooking its been so many years and you still havent learned a thing from Jin hyung and Yoongi hyung" Jungkook laughed
Namjoon looked up with big eyes "Ohh come on!!Kookie just cause you are good at everything..dont tease me.. not everone can master everything as you do"
"But its true though actually put garlic in pancake batter last time remember..?! i wonder if that IQ test is right ,sometimes"
Jimin laughed remembering their last cooking game show
"Haha..funny ..please target someone else now..i had my fill for todays morning..Please" Namjoon begged

Yoongi sat there smiling and drinking his coffee watching the members having fun.Taehyung and Hobi came into the kitchentalking to eachother and as soon as they entered Taehyung's eye's travelled to where Yoongi was sitting and he bit his lip looking at him.
Yoongis cheeks suddenly got pink seeing his new boyfriend , they haven't told anyone about their relationship yet..not even the fact that they tried dating so he kept his head down to hide the blush that was creeping up on his face.
"Wohhh !! is that waffles "Hobi 's eyes went wide as soon as he saw waffles and went on to grab a plate.

Tae playfully slapped  on Jimin's back, almost making him spit his food out.
"Yahh..."  Jimin  yelled and   tried to slap his his hands away. Tae laughed playfully, moving out of Jimin's way to dodge the slap, then he went near Yoongi and, without any warning or care, lifted his face up by his chin with his long fingers and kissed him deeply on the lips, closing his eyes. Their lips stayed tangled for a long time.

This time, Jimin did spit out his food.
"Wow!! "  Hobis' eyes popped up seeing how Taehyung's hands were grabbing Yoongi's neck possesively.The rest of them stopped on their tracks and watched as one of their members tried to suck the life out of the other in the name of kissing.

When they finally broke apart, Yoongi was trying hard to breathe. He gulped down, nervously realizing what Tae had done in front of the members. He never expected Taehyung to be affectionate in public, or more like kissing him like that in front of the members.
"Good morning, baby." Taehyung said and gave another peck on his cheek, taking a strawberry from Yoongi's plate and biting it before sitting near him.

Everyone stayed shell shocked, waiting for any one of them to speak, but Yoongi just sat there playing with the coffee cup while Taehyung was staring at the elder like he was thinking of doing more of that kiss they saw seconds before.

"Care to explain..!! "
Namjoon broke the silence while Jimin and Jin looked at each other and smiled, happy that their plan had kind of helped make this happen.
"What?!" Tae asked while Yoongi was keeping his head down and playing with the food on the plate.
Namjoon looked at Yoong and then at Tae and raised his eyebrows in question.

"Ohh..yeah, so we are dating..that's my boyfriend," Taehyung casually announced, pointing at Yoongi.
A collective gasp was heard from the kitchen while Yoongi choked on the coffee and coughed, hearing how he went straight to the point without beating around the bush.
"Yayyyy finally..." Jimin clapped happily.
Jungkook was jungshook. "ahh what?!!"  He kept looking at both of his hyungs in disbelief.
And Hobi almost jumped out of joy. "You are!"
"Oh, there begins the PR nightmare," Namjoon shook his head. "But seriously, congrats, guys. It should have happened long ago." "I'm happy for you," he said, smiling at them.
"Don't worry, Hyung, we won't make any trouble for you. We will keep it low." tae assured

"Does that mean I can't come to your rooms when I feel like it?!" Jungkook pouted
"Why can't you, Jungkookah?" Yoongi asked.
"Ahh..I love you both, but I don't want to see anything I'm not supposed to see..and I have already heard things..for the last few months.." Jungkook frowned. "Now that you are dating, you will do it more..and I miss going into her room whenever I want." He looked at Taehyung with an angry pout.
Tae smiled, biting his lips, seeing the younger's expression.

"Imagine Jungkook's face if he walked in on them." Jimin said, slapping Jungkook's arm.
"Arghhhj.." Yoongi screamed, "I'm not having this conversation."
Tae laughed seeing his boyfriend being the cat he is and put his hand around him, and Yoongi leaned over to Taehyung, hiding his face on his neck.
Ahh look at that..this guy almost killed me with his stares for trying to hug him on stage now look at that..are you shy, Yoongi ssi? Jin teased
Yoongi got back up, made a face at Jin, and continued drinking his coffee.
"But Jungkook is right..even before this, you guys were seriously that you are official, I don't want to hear unholy stuff on a daily basis, so keep it down while doing each other " Jin said while biting into his fruit.
Yoongi choked on his coffee again at his Hyung's blunt remark, "Hyung.." he begged for him to stop while Tae was just sitting there grining.
"Yeah, and please don't start fucking in the washrooms again while at work. I don't want to deal with the staff asking questions. " Namjoon added
"We did not," Tae said nervously laughing, as it was a lie and they have done it a few times.
"Yeah, right.." Namjoon glared
Hobi and Jimin almost fell on the floor laughing. "And no fucking in the kitchen.." Jin said again.
" guys are such bad influences on brain might need a cleanse after this," Jungkook announced, "but yeah, keep it down. I don't want to put on headphones daily to go to sleep," he warned his young.
"I'm leaving.." Yoongi was way too embarrassed, so he got up and hurried out, ignoring the members laughing and teasing him and asking him to come back.
Tae also got up to follow Yoongi.
"Look at him..already so whipped," Hobi teased.
Tae scrunched his nose at them and ran behind his boyfriend


Just writing a few simple and fun chapters before the end

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