No way!

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Another short chapter
"He likes me!" Like a crush?!
'Since when.?' Yoongi asked the younger confused
'Ahh Hyung, please don't act like you didn't know... Everyone knows about his crush, and I saw you both talking today in the kitchen.
It's him, isn't it?... are you what, dating now?!'
'Tae, stop talking nonsense. No one likes anyone here, and no one is dating anyone. How can you say that after what we have been doing the past few days?It's just me. I'm uncomfortable, and I want to stop.understood'!?,
that last part came out a little loud and it shocked Taehyung a little bit.
Everyone looked at their direction .
Yoongi felt everyone's eyes on them and suddenly got up and walked to the dance floor.
'Are we starting this now or what ' he questioned Hobi
'Yeah, everyone, let's begin. 'Hobi called the members.
The rest of the practise went smoothly for everyone except Yoongi and Tae.
It was almost 8 o'clock when they wrapped up that day's rehearsal.
Tae left first without saying anything to others, and Yoongi and Jimin were the last ones to leave.
'Need a lift? Jimin asked Yoongi who was packing his bag
'Yeah..i came with Jin hyung and he just left without me. I was about to ask you'
'Cool, let's go then' Jimin said
Then, they walked off the dance floor, waving goodbye to their staff.
'Do you want to get a drink after reaching the dorm? We can order Chinese food too.'
Jimin asked
'Yep..i could use some alchohol.' Yoongi smiled
'Oh good, I have a good bottle of vodka gifted by my cousin. We can open that.' Jimin said happily
'yeah...' Yoongi smiled at Jimin's suggestion.
'There's no way he has a crush on me' Yoongi convinced himself in his mind looking at the younger

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