Never Again

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It was late at night yoongi was peacefully sleeping in his bed after his dinner "date" with Jimin.
He geard his door being opened , and Yoongi felt  someone   moving his blanket.
He didn't need to panic or anything  , because he knew who it was, only two people knew his passcode. And he was sure it was not Jungkook.

"What are you doing Tae? He asked in his groggy voice half asleep, still keeping his eyes closed.
Taehyung was now laying on top of yoongi's body tightly hugging him, resting his head in the crook of his neck.Yoongi was struggling hard not to put his arm around the younger.

"I missed your smell hyung"...A deep, low voice answered.His hot breath touching the sensitive skin of Yoongi's neck.Taehyung was taking in Yoongi's scent burying his nose in the neck.

Yoongi took a deep breath.He felt that familiar feeling that drove him crazy for the past few months.Tae's body on top of him, his large frame weighing him down to the mattress .

"Go back to your room, Tae..I'm tired and I want to sleep."
"Mmhmm..." Tae mumbled and   snuggled onto him a bit more. He slowly looked up to see Yoongi.

The street lights and the moonlight were creeping into the room, and Tae could see his face clearly through them.He looked angelic, his long hair messy, and his pink lips slightly open to reveal his beautiful teeth.
He  slowly got up and hovered over Yoongi. He watched him with a smile and moved some stray hairs that was on his eyes.He took his  hands and went under Yoongi's shirt and started rubbing circles around his sides.

Yoongi shifted in bed, feeling the cold hands.The younger noticed the goosebumps forming in the elders  pale skin.
Tae grinned and  brought his face close to Yoongi's and stared at his lips.
Yoongi was still keeping his eyes closed ,  but he opened his eyes slowly when he felt Tae's breath on his face.
Tae kept staring at Yoongi's lips.

"Did he kiss you, baby? " His deep voice was filled with some sort of sadness.
He then touched Yoongi's ' lips with his long fingers.
"Tell me, did he kiss you on your pretty lips?"
"What ?!! Who?! What are you talking about"
"Jimin.." Tae  whispered
"Why would he do that?"
"You went on a date, isn't that what people who go on dates do?"
He kept running his fingers newr yoongis lips
still keeping his eyes there.
"I told you and everyone else it was not a date; we just went out to dinner.And it's none of your business even if we kissed. Get off me," he said in his groggy, sleepy voice, slightly pushing Tae on his chest.
Tae grabbed yoongi's hands with his looked into Yoongi's eyes.

"I don't like it, baby. " Tae Kissed  yoongis palms  And then proceeded to lay on top of him once again taking his scent.

"I don't like when anybody else touches you that way... "Yoongi felt Tae beginning to kiss his neck.

Yoongi gasped at the addictive feeling of his lips, but he knew he had to stop it.
"STOP IT " Yoongi  raised his voice, which surprised Taehyung, who immediately got up from his position..
"Leave..." yoongi said firmly
"I'm not your baby. Leave before I push you out."

Tae was shocked at the elder's sudden burst of anger. He came out of the covers and stood beside the bed. He looked at Yoongi with glassy eyes, which Yoongi didn't see in the dark.
"Go away tae..please " Yoongi sat on his bed, rubbing his eyes.
Tae just stood there gulping down shocked at his response.
"And I'm changing the passcode... I don't want you to touch me that way ever again, understand? Leave my room, please."

He felt tears falling from his eyes; he immediately turned and opened the door and ran outside hoping to hide it from the elder.

Yoongi sighed and went back to bed, staring at the ceiling. His eyes filled with tears.
He felt bad; he never raised his voice at anyone like that, especially Taehyung, it hurt him like hell , he still loved Tae  and all he wanted to do was run behind him and to hug and comfort him ..but it was needed. It was for his own good.


Tae reached  his room, he closed the door , and jumped into his bed, covering himself with his sheets.
And he found himself crying and sobbing.
At that moment, he felt like he had lost something precious.

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