New day

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"Who died?!?"
Namjoon asked a tired-looking Tae, who was sitting on the kitchen isle. He had eye bags and dark circles.
He shook his head."I didn't sleep well."
"Why are your eyes puffy and red? Did you cry?"
He shook his head again.
Namjoon sighed. He was not fully aware of the drama going on between Yoongi and Tae . But he knew something was up.
"Better deal with whomever or whatever it is..we have public appearances coming up."
He said that before walking out with some coffee in hand.

Tae decided to go to his room as the members were going to wake up soon and begin questioning him; he also didn't want to face Yoongi or Jimin.
He went back to his bed, covered himself with sheets, and curled up.

It was almost 2 a.m. Jungkook woke up bored and started looking for Tae to cause trouble.
He saw his hyung curled up in bed and immediately joined him, putting his arms and legs around Tae.
"Wake up, wake up, wake up. He violently shook the elder's body."
"Go away, Kookie. "Tae groaned from under the sheets.
"I'm bored, Hyung. Let's go do something."
"Ask Jin Hyung"
"He went out with Hoseok Hyung."
"Ask Jimin then."
"He is with Yoongi Hyung since morning..inside his room, and hyung changed his password so I can't get in anymore."
He pouted
Taehyung came out of his covers.
So he was serious last night. Is he really going to avoid me just like that..
He wanted to ask more questions, but he chose not to.
"Come on, Hyung, I'm so bored!"
"Ahh, Kookie..ok, go set up the games or something will come in a few minutes."
"Yayyyy " Kook got up happy and ran to set up video games.

Meanwhile, Tae pulled himself up from the bed. He felt worse. He didn't know why he was feeling so down on this matter. Yoongi was just a hook up..Maybe because he hasn't done this kind of thing with anyone before.He knew he needed to move on .But he missed Yoongi..his smell..his was driving him crazy, and the thought of Yoongi being with Jimin and doing everything they did with Jimin made him mad and furious.
Taehyung gripped on to his pillows hard furious at the images that he kept imagining
"Taetaeeee.." Jungkook called from somewhere
Tae knew he needed some kind of distraction.

Kook and Tae spent a few hours playing games, Tae was gloomy and distracted the whole time so Jungkook slept on the couch being bored again while Tae began surfing the social media.
And he saw a selca posted on Jimin's story.
It was posted a few hours ago, since he was playing games, he hadn't noticed. He kept staring at the picture.
Jimin and Yoongi with Yoongi's beautiful gummy smile .
He loved that smile. He used to give it to him back then. Nowadays he never does.He stared at the screen a little bit more before putting down his phone.And he too laid down on the couch and closed his eyes in an attempt to remove the thoughts about Yoongi from his head.He needed to move on..and looks like yoongi already did.

"Heyy kids..."Jin and Hobi entered carrying food bags.
Tae opened his eyes and looked up
"We bought fried chicken. Call everyone."
Jin said to Tae, and then Hobi proceeded to lay on top of the sleeping Jungkook to wake him up.
"Koo kookooo kooo, " he yelled at kooks ear
Jungkook groaned in his sleep, he hugged hobi and rolled him over and continued sleeping hugging him.
"Wake up, we have chicken." Hobi said while struggling to get out of the maknae's grip
Jin laughed seeing them While Tae sat there without moving.

"Tae go call others.." jin asked again.
"I don't want to.."he said softly .

He didn't want to go and see anything..if Jimin and Yoongi were still together, he was bot interested .Jin noticed his tired and gloomy face. He and Jimin had planned this whole thing to know his true feelings towards yoongi.Jin never expected the younger to actually feel something because he always thought Tae saw yoongi just as a hook up..but to his surprise he looked more terrible than yoongi did back when he confessed his feelings for Taehyung to him.Taehyung is clearly affected by Yoongi keeping a distance between them but what his true feelings are one knows.If its actually jealousy or just being mad at losing his fuck buddy.

"Ok, then go put this on the table. I'll call them
Jin offered . Taehyung nooded and took the packets.

Everyone was eating and chatting happily at the table. Yoongi sat there looking grumpy.
" Yoongi eat your food" Jin asked as he saw the rapper haven't touched anything yet
"Ahh..I want to sleep. I don't want chicken."
"This guy! all you do is sleep all day. Don't come and complain to me if you get hungry at midnight and all the food is gone."
Yoongi frowned at Jin.
"Don't frown at me, kid."
"You are like 3 months older than me.. I'm not your. Kid"he scoffed
"Eat the goddamn chicken and shut up.."Jin rolled his eyes at Yoongi.
Jimin started laughing seeing his hyungs bickering over fried chicken.
"You are too cute, Hyung. " He said to Yoongi, and Yoongi replied with a small smile and picked up some chicken.
Tae tried to avoid eye contact with everyone; he simply sat there and ate his food, but he occasionally glanced at Jimin and Yoongi on the far end. They looked happy as they ate and talked.

Yoongi noticed Taes being silent too; usually he is energetic and plays around with Jungkook or others.
But he decided not to think about him too much..ending things were hard enough on him, and he didn't want to go back to where it was not easy to forget or avoid the first person he ever fell in love with..especially while staying under one roof..he didn't even know why he loved him or when those feelings started..but knowing that the younger will never ever reciprocate the feelings he had was a bitter pill he had to take.Tae might be upset for a while he will be ok after few days..he didn't want to start anything again by talking to him..he knew he would just get hurt travelling that path.

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