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'Heyy..'Jimin showed the vodka bottle and the food.
'Ohh yeah...That's what I'm talking about.
Yoongi gave Jimin his gummy smile.
"Come, sit down..I actually have some alcohol left here too, so more the merrier, right?" he pointed to his bed.
"Yeah, sure," Jimin happily walked inside.
"Oh, I don't have any glasses here."
I'll be back in a minute. Yoongi went to the kitchen, closing the door.

Jimin kept the vodka and the food on Yoongi's table and sat on the bed.
He set up some pillows to lean on.
And as he was getting comfortable in the bed, he felt something solid under the sheet; he lifted the sheets to check, and it was a charm bracelet. He knew that bracelet well; it was Tae's, which Jungkook gifted.

"What happened, Jimin..what's that?"
Yoongi came in with glasses and saw Jimin holding something.
"Ahh, this bracelet.. I think he lost it here. You should return this or Jungkook might actually kill him," Jimin smiled.
Yoongi put the glasses on the table and took the bracelet from Jimin.
He kept it in his pocket and didn't know what to do next; it was like he was caught red-handed. He scratched his head in confusion.
He knew all the members knew about him and Taehyung, but talking about it openly was still embarrassing. Jimin sensed Yoongi's embarrassment and decided to change the topic.
"So this vodka, shall I pour it?"
"Yeah yeah..let's get drunk," Yoongi forced a laugh and took the bottle and passed it to Jimin, and they dug into the spicy food.
They spend the night talking to each other about random stuff and drinking.
It was almost midnight, and the sounds of their laughter could be heard through the door.
And a hooded figure stood outside, listening to the sounds coming out of the room.
"Hyung, you are too adorable when you are drunk. It's so funny. "Jimin's sound came through the door.
The man outside lifted his hand to type the code into the door, but he hit the door out of frustration and left immediately.
'What was that'..Jimin questioned shocked by the sound
'A cattt...' a drunk yoongi answered with his eyes wide
'But you are here hyungiee....'Jimin laughed
'Eeeyyy jiminahhhh....' Yoongi hugged jimin while they shared laughed at more terrible jokes
The next morning Jimin woke up in Yoongi's bed with a hangover and a throbbing headache
And saw yoongi already up and sitting on the couch his head resting in his hands.
'Shouldn't have drank that all that right hyung ..' Jimin said looking at the empty bottles
"Oh yeah..." Yoongi looks up grinning and passes an aspirin to Jimin, along with some lukewarm coffee.
He took both while sipping on the coffee and looking at his elder, who was rubbing his forehead.
Hyung...jimin called
Hee looked at Jimin.
"What did you and Tae fight about yesterday?"
'What..?' Yoongi suddenly sat straight.
"No, I saw you having an argument, and you guys didn't talk after that either. Is everything ok?"
"Yeah, yeah..he's just being a know him!" He said ,he was forcing a smile.
'I know him...That's why I'm asking Hyung.
I mean, I'm sorry, but you know that I kind of know about you two, right?'
"Yeah, and all others."
'Yeah .'Jimin smiled
"Are you ok? I'm know Tae is a nice person, but his actions are unpredictable sometimes, so is he like rude to you or something? I can talk to him if you want..I know how you never scold us even if you are angry.."
"No, talking to him will only worsen this, and don't worry, we ended whatever we had, so it's fine." He said not looking at Jimin.
'What?? How can I make it worse? ' jimin was confused
"Huhh..he..he thinks you have a crush on when I asked him to stop sleeping together, he thought there was something between you and me..that's all," he laughed.
'Ohh...'Jimin looked down and started playing with the sheets.
"It's not true, isn't it, Jimin?"
Jimin was silent.
'Ahh, it's nothing, Hyung... Leave it..I mean, it's not serious. It's a harmless crush that I had before. I don't think about it anymore. Please, I'm too embarrassed to talk about it," he said, blushing red.
"Jimin..what? I had no idea." Yoongi looked at him, surprised.
"Hyung..i told you it was stupid, and I don't think about it anymore, so let's just move on.."
Jimin got up from the bed and put on his slippers.
"I'll go get freshened up for practice."
Jimin left a shocked Yoongi in his room and hurried to his own.

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