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'Get all of your asses out here before I drag you to the dining table. '
Jin yelled from the kitchen, waiting for his maknaes to come and eat the brunch he prepared before driving to the dance studio.
Hobi and Jungkook was already there, diving into the food, and they saw a panicked Namjoon heading to the kitchen and tripping ,almost breaking their coffee mugs on the kitchen isle.
'Yah careful, don't break anything today, please. These are the last of the coffee mugs we have. ' Jin scolded the clumsy leader
'Ah, sorry, Hyung. ' He smiled sheepishly
Then he sat down to eat.
Next to arrive was Taehyung, Jin noticed that he was not his usual cheerful self he looked grumpy.
He went straight for the coffee and downed half of it in one sip.
'Wohhh..easy there kid..its coffee, not alcohol.'
Hobi teased
Tae didn't even glance at them and was clearly in a bad mood, he walked over and slumped down on one of the chairs downing rest of the coffee
'Why are you suddenly drinking coffee i thought you didn't like it' Jin asked looking at the grumpy younger
He shrugged in response.
'Here, eat our food. 'Jin moved his plate towards him as Jimin entered the kitchen.
'Good morning, my hyungs and Tae', and he gave his cute smile.
Taes face got a lot more serious immediately as he didn't look up from the table and kept poking his breakfast with his fork.
'You didn't say hi to me, Jiminssi. 'Kook sulked.
'Hii, baby Kookie..'he pinched his youngers cheeks and smiled wide.

'Ahh, look at that smile.No wonder why our fans are crazy over you 'Hobi admired his younger 'heard you had a blast with Suga Hyung last night.' Jin asked
'Jimin glanced at Taehyung and answered, "Yeah, it was fun. We just ate and drank a lot."
'Are you not hungover? We have to practice all day'
Namjoon was worried.
'A bit but i will be okay after eating something, but you should have seen suga hyung he acts really funny when he is drunk'
Taehyung pursed his lips and gripped his coffee mug strongly.
'Oh we heard ...he was proclaiming his love to you all night' Hobi laughed.
Jimin laughed and started to Put food in his plate.
'I'm not hungry... 'tae suddenly got up and pushed the food away his voice a bit loud and started to walk away from the kitchen
Everyone was shocked at his sudden loud statement.
While everyone wondered what that was about , Yoongi entered the room still looking half asleep.
And Tae's eyes went straight for him.
'Hey Tae..'Suga greeted him.
Tae didn't answer him and left the room.
'I'll be in the living room.' He said while walking away
Yoongi looked at Taehyung walking away gulping down.
No one dared to say anything; clearly sensing the tension, they all continued with their food.
As Jimin and Jin looked at Yoongi in concern .
This chapter didn't came out well..but anyways..its here😬

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