Eyes on you

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Practice went on smoothly, other than Taehyung and Yoongi not talking to each other, but they kept their work professional.
It was afternoon, and they were all tired and taking a long lunch break. Everyone was resting, sleeping, or doing their own thing.
Jungkook slept on Jimin's lap who was sitting on the floor. Jimin saw Yoongi trying to rub his neck, looking like he was in pain.
He slowly moved Jungkook's head to Namjoon's lap, who was sitting near them reading a book as usual.
Jungkook immediately hung on to Namjoon's waist and continued sleeping.
Jimin smiled fondly , seeing the cuteness of the youngest . He then got up walked to Yoongi.
'Hey Hyung, is your shoulder hurting again?'
'Ahh, a little bit.'
'Here, let me help you.'
Jimin took the medicine from Yoongi's hand and started putting it on his shoulder .
'Thanks Jiminah' Yoongi smiled.
Yoongi frowned uncomfortably as Jimin applied the pain balm.
'Hey hyung I'm sorry I acted like that this morning..I was kind of embarrassed, you know..'Jimin said giving back the medicine to Yoongi
'You could have told me, Jimin, if you felt that way.'
'It's ok, Hyng. I didn't expect it to go anywhere anyways. It was just a classic One-sided crush and its over now.'
'Mmhmm.'.yoongi nodded
'. If you don't mind can we just forget that whole conversation and move on' Jimin asked pursing his lips
'Sure' Yoongi shrugged
Even though it was shocking , Yoongi didn't really wanted to keep pressing the topic because clearly the younger seems embarrassed enough and he didn't want to pester him more. And between all this mess he really enjoyed the comfort Jimin offered , he was glad to be back together hanging out with him.They used to do it a lot before his and Taehyungs little adventure started.

They then just began talking about random things. Jimin sat on the floor near the chair where Yoongi was sitting.
Yoongi was showing some animation videos  on his phone , something they discussed last night
'Oh my god, Hyung, its terrible..how can you like it..its so stupid.. 'Jimin laughed hard almost falling down.
'Yoongi began imitating the character from the video making Jimin laugh even harder almost to the point where he hid his face on Yoongi's lap.

Meanwhile, they didn't know that Taehyung was seeing all this through the glass doors. He suddenly entered the room, opening and closing the doors loudly and Jimin immediately removed his hands from Yoongi .
He went straight to Jin, who was lying on the couch half asleep, and sat beside him and squeezed his thighs earning a loud pitched yell followed by Jin's angry rap for waking him up.
Jimin continued talking to Yoongi, but he could feel Taehyung's eyes on him just like last time.

After a while, Jimin walked outside to make a phone call, leaving Yoongi alone.
Yoongi decided to go to the restroom to collect his thoughts. Whenever he was in crowded areas, he always used the restroom as his escape space. He got up and walked to the restrooms on the far end of the building; it was the weekend and only a few staff were present, and these restrooms were far enough away that none of them bothered to walk that far. so he knew he'd get some privacy there.
But what he didn't know was that a certain young male was following him.

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