What is this feeling?

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Its been a few weeks since Yoongi gave the ultimatum to Taehyung, they haven't talked to eachother since . Even when they had to go out to make appearances together as a band.it hurt Yoongi's heart a lot.Their relationship or whatever they had was messy but seeing the man he loves being distant was hurting the rapper's heart very much . But he chose to suffer in silence as he thought it was the best thing to do.Jimin knew something happened between them , and he noticed yoongi working on his genius lab way more than usual to stay away from the dorm..so he tried to keep him company and lift his mood whenever it was possible. On the other hand Taehyung pretty much went on silent mode,not talking much to anyone except Jungkook occasionally .

It was night and jimin was in his room listening to music and relaxing after he returned spending time with Yoongi in his studio.They spend the day discussing a possible future collaboration.
He was playing some soft music sitting on the floor while scrolling through his phone aimlessly , when he heard a knock on his door.

"Its open" he yelled without getting up from the floor
The door slowly opened to reveal a disheveled Taehyung.The normally charming man looked like he passed through hell.
"Ohh tae..you need something?.." Jimin asked without getting up from the floor where he was sitting.
He shook his head saying no.
"Then?! You want to hang out?"
He shook his head again, and he just kept looking at Jimin weirdly.Jimin remembered seeing Taehyung that evening when he and Yoongi were coming back from the studio, as always he looked like he was in pain when he saw them together but tae kept silent and quickly disappeared into his room without facing them.

"Ok..."Are you coming in?" Jimin asked again
But he stood at the door looking down and saying nothing.
After a few moments, Taehyung asked
"Are you guys like together now?"
Jimin understood what it was about, but he chose to act fool.
"Who?" Jimin asked innocently
"Yoongi hyung"
"Why do you ask?"
"Just like that..." Tae shrugged
Jimin didn't say anything back; instead, he smiled and simply sat up right on the floor, scrolling through the phone. He was waiting for Tae to speak up. He knew the idiot's wall of stubbornness was cracking finally and he is beginning to think like a human being.
After a few moments of silence, Jimin heard Taehyung's footsteps slowly approaching. He heard the door closing.
"I don't like it, Jiminah..." he said his voice cracking up a bit.
Jimin looked up and saw Taehyung standing closer to him with glassy eyes.
"Don't like what?!"
He sighed. Looking at the floor
"About Yoongi Hyung"
"What about Hyung?"
"You being with him"
Jimin gave a tiny laugh.Of course the man had a weird way of saying things.
"Why can't I be with him?"
"I don't know why I am feeling like this..but I really hate that"
"Do you hate me?"
"No. You know I love you, but I don't like that Hyung is closer to you."
"And why is that?"
"I don know..." Tae looked at Jimin with sad eyes
"Then I can't do anything about it.!!" Jimin shrugged and side eyes Taehyung to see his reaction.
Tae went silent again. He was lost in thoughts for a moment

"You knew about us?!" He asked after a few moments
"You guys are sleeping together?!" Jimin finally looked up at Taehyung's face
Tae nodded response
Jimin smiled " Yeah, I think everyone knows that. You guys are not the most silent people while you are at it.And we have thin walls"

Tae gave a small nod.
"You hate me for what I did with Hyung?"
"I don't know the whole story, but from what I assumed... It's not my life.you went a bit far..acting crazy, but I can't just blame you, can I? I mean, Hyung never said no..you are both grown up adults..so I guess it's none of my business."
Jimin pursued his lips

At that point Jimin understood that Tae was miserable, He already knew that Yoongi was hurting real bad inside everyday but being the man he is ,he chose to suppress every feeling and was going on as if everything was normal. But the man in Front of him was not that strong, he was sensitive and possessive , he is way too honest with his feelings.If he infact liked yoongi, this distance they have right now might be killing him

Jimin got up from the floor and and went near his friend and kept a hand on his shoulder
He decided not to beat around the bush
"Do you like Hyung?"
Tae looked at Jimin's face confused "I like all of you guys."
"Not that dummy...do you really like him..more than a friend "
Tae gulped down "I don't know" he said softly
Jimin sighed and smiled "You should know..just think why him being with someone is bugging you so much! Why couldn't you stay away from him even after he tried to push you away? Is it just because the sex was good? It's not like there are no other people in the world you can sleep with..Everyone here knows that whatever you did was so out of character for you. What is the reason? You are immature in many things, but you never hurt anyone. Why are you so desperately trying to hold on to Hyung?
Think.." he ruffled Taehyung's hair.
Tae looked at Jimin with big eyes.
"And btw, no, we are not together..i was just keeping him company..its not just you who is hurting about this mess "

"Who else..What do you mean " his eyes went big again
Jimin slapped his shoulder playfully.
"You really are a dummy, aren't you..i gave such a long speech!! God! " He flicked Taehyung's forehead and laughed.
"Jiminahh.."tae rubbed his head.
"Go away you stupid..I'm going to bed. Go figure it out yourself " He pushed Tae out of his room and closed the door.
Tae was slightly confused by what Jimin said.
He stood there for a moment and then started walking back slowly.

On his way back, Taehyung saw light in the living room, and he peeked to see who it was. He saw Yoongi and Hobi sitting on the couch watching some cat videos on the Tv .Yoongi was smiling like a kid watching the kittens play.
Taehyung smiled a little at that.
He was always amazed by his elder's personality. Most people just see him as this lazy and scary person who is a badass, but most times he is just a cute and adorable human who loves being silly and is just too shy to ask for affection.
Tae was anxious to face his Hyung after what happened that night.He didn't like the thought of Yoongi being mad at him so he chose to stay away from the elder as he asked.But now he was not sure what his feeling towards him was. He certainly didn't like the idea of him being close to anyone else, he was not sure why it hurt him so much. He needed to think and figure it out before it's too late.
Tae slowly walked away to his room without making any noise.

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