A New Deal

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"Get a room..no..get a house..in a far away hill or hole or in another galaxy "
Jimin slapped at Taehyung's head before glaring at Yoongi who was cuddling him in the couch.
"What happened?" Jin looked up from his phone
"These two happened.." Jimin glared at them more angrily
"I thought they were watching a movie yesterday.."
"Yeah and woke up at what ?..5 am to fuck eachothers brain out" Jimin said gritting his teeth
"4 am " Taehyung corrected
Jimin's eyes went wide" Ohh good its 4 am ..i m sorry ...my bad" he dramatically kept his hands on his chest
" Horny perverted assholes....Thank lord you are both men, otherwise we would have become uncles by now..how many rounds did you go anyway..!! i thought he was killing you hearing the way you screamed " Jimin sassed and looked at Yoongi.
Taehyung put up 4 fingers proudly and Yoongi slapped his hands and gave him an angry look.

"Ewww"...Jungkook made a face and closed his ears and shook his head.
" I didn't hear anything this time" ..Jin said
"You thank god for that hyung...Yeah !!because normal people would sleep at that hour..i live next door we share a goddamn wall, please do it in Yoongi hyung's room ..i would really like a good night sleep and how can you still walk after 4 rounds like that?!"  Jimin looked at Yoongi, who hid his face in Taehyung's neck .
"Ahh nooo..noo..Yoongi hyungs room is near mine ..i was just getting happy that they decided to move to Taehyung hyung's room..i suffered enough Jimin ssi...i don't want to put on headphones again " Jungkook said with a pout
Taehyung smiled seeing that Yoongi was cringing hard   "Ok calm down..it just happened and we didn't plan to be loud..and 4 rounds is not that much Jiminah..you need to get laid more" Tae winked

Jimin gasped and kept his hands on hips "First of all ..Fuck you.!! i get laid enough..and secondly how is that any of my problem..planned or not..just keep it down"
"What happened? "Namjoon asked as he came to the living room seeing Tae and Jimin arguing
"These two" Jimin pointed
"Ohh they.. are they being loud again...?! i thought i heard something ,then i thought someone was watching gay porn ." he laughed..."As i have suggested everyone please chip in to make their rooms sound proof ..as a gift"
"I m in "Jimin raised his hands as well as Jungkook
Hoseok and Jin laughed hysterically hearing the talk.
"Guys stop laughing...this is serious.." Jimin was getting angry
" You are the one who wanted this Jiminah..why are you complaining now" Tae asked pouting
" I meant love eachother..be happy..go on dates get married or something..not make me want to pour acid into my ears"

"Ignore him he is just sleep deprived  and sex deprived.." Yoongi grinned and looked at jimin
"Really..now you open your mouth !! to tease me ..i swear i m  going to cock block you if i ever hear it again..."
"How?" Taehyung questioned running his hands through Yoongi's hair and kissing it.
Jimin grinned "Ahh you will see..maybe i will stay with you all the time if i have to..and i wont leave your room..i will disturb you every time " Jimin wiggled his eyebrows.

Tae sat up and looked at Jimin poking his cheeks with his tongue"You know I don't mind an audience.." Taehyung gave a devilish grin.
"Ewwwwwwww" all of them simultaneously yelled
And yoongi punched him on the arms and Taehyung winced in pain
"Hyung it hurts.." he said rubbing his arm
"Watch your mouth" Yoongi warned Taehyung while trying to hide the smile that was creeping up on his face.
"Ahh holy water..holy water for my ears and eyes...ahhh !!some one please "Namjoon yelled.
Hobi made a disgusted face "oh shit i m imagining it now ..and I don't want to..eww eww "And jin closed jungkooks ears
"Ahh you horny bastards...You are ruining my jungkook 's mind ,everyone shut up and no more dirty talks in the house and no more fucking near Jungkook's room..i don't care if you guys are a couple or not" he said pointing his fingers at Tae and Jimin
"Ahh wat about me hyung " Jimin asked
"You are grown enough ..suffer through it."
"I m only like 2 years older hyung"
"I don't care ..no one will traumatise my baby again.."
"Ahh hyuuungg..." Jimin continued arguing
Tae and Yoongi laughed looking at eachother ,happy that eventhough they were arguing over them all of them were supportive and didn't even doubt them or judged them even for a minute.

Later that night Taehyung and Yoongi were once again on the roof , a mattress laid on the floor they both laid there hugging , enjoying the warmth of each other under one blanket. Yoongi was staring at the sky, slowly rubbing Taehyung on his back while Taehyung laid with  his head resting on Yoongi's chest , hearing his heartbeat was musical for Tae.
" I m really happy" he said
" Because i have you"
Yoongi smiled " you always had me"
"Not that hyung" he said while fiddling with yoongis shirt button
" I know what you mean..I'm glad too."
" what if Jimin never tried to make me jealous..i would still be acting like a complete moron to you"
yoongi laughed " but he did!!"
Tae sighed " Hmm..They all are so supportive ,it makes me feel calm..i m not sure what will eveyone else think..our families..our fans..and the company..do you think they will kick us out or force to breakup?"
Yoongi sighed " i don't want to sugar coat anything ..but they might..it's not easy being idols and in a relationship more so if we are gay"
" Everyone will hate us then..for putting our band in danger"
"Yes..maybe..but it's our life Tae..and people who hate us for loving someone of our choice..I don't think they deserve to be in our lives.. If you ask me we can't live by satisfying everyone.. our members knows us..our family will understand us..they won't hate us, i think our members know about what might happen in future and we can use the time to prepare ourselves "
"We might have to hide for a long time " Tae sighed
Yoongi nodded

"Don't think about stuff like that now..let's just enjoy everything while it lasts,just know this..i love you..and i won't ever leave your side until you ask me to leave"
Tae got up and looked at his boyfriend "And i ll never ask you to leave..i ll leave if you ask me to leave..I love you more" he gave his boxy smile to Yoongi.
Yoongi smiled back "Do we have a new deal Kim Taehyung"
Tae bit his lips "Yes Min yoongi..we have a deal" he winked and leaned into capture his boyfriends lips .."for a lifetime" he whispered before kissing him deep.

The end


I will write an Eplilogue ..so not really over but this time line is coming to an end.

Thankyou everyone for reading , voting and commenting and i m planning a new Taegi book after this. Will share the details with the epilogue chapter .
Love you all... borahae💜💜💜💜

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