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Yoongi splashed his face with the ice-cold water and looked at himself in the mirror. He looked exhausted, still recovering from last night's drinking, and as he expected, this washroom was empty.
He climbed on to the counter and started going through his phone, enjoying the peace and silence, and going through some lyrics he had typed before making a mental note to make corrections and write them down on paper by the end of the day.
That's when he heard footsteps approaching and doors opening, and the footsteps he heard belonged to the handsome man standing before him.
Yoongi was shocked to see him.
Tae walked to him without talking and dragged him from the counter by his hands to a stall and closed the door. Then he pinned Yoongis hands above his head to the wall, and he came close to his face, his hot breath fanning the elder's freshly washed skin.
Yoongi struggled to free his hands.
"What the hell, Taehyung?"

"So...how is he?! "The younger seemed a little angry.
"Who?! What the hell are you talking about, Taehyung? Leave me..my wrists hurt.."
Yoongi yelled
"Did I tell you that you can raise your voice? "He stared into Yoongi's eyes, his voice deep and authoritative.
That look that always makes Yoongi weak—the look that brings out the submissive in the hot rapper who burns the stage with his voice and attitude
Yoongi gulped down and shook his head.
"Tell me, is it good being with him? Does he fuck you like I do? Is he satisfying my baby all right?"
He ran one of his fingers along the elder's jawline, making him whimper.
"Tae..who are you talking about?"
"Jimin..You spent the night with him, didn't you?Tell me, was he as good as me? Did you cry out his name while he was deep inside you? Tell me, baby"
Tae whispered into your ears, touching his piercings softly with his lips, and then looked straight into his eyes.
"Yoongi shook his head,saying no .
He was intimidated by the boy's gaze; no matter how many times they had been together, that look was enough to make him submit to Taehyung immediately.
"I'm going to touch your body now, baby." 
Tae said.
Yoongi didn't resist.
His hands went under his shirt.
Tae's soft, seductive touches were too much for Yoongi. The cold of the yougers' metal rings touched his skin, sending chills through his body. Even though he wanted to stop Tae, he unknowingly melted into that.

Yoongi gave a tiny moan  when his fingers touched his buds.
Taehyung had a faint grin while slowly taking his hands to Yoong's lower body; he stopped right before the waist band of his sweatpants.
"Can I, baby?" he asked, looking into his eyes. Yoongi gave a small nod.
And he rubbed his palms on Yoongi's crotch, through his sweats , feeling Yoongi getting hard.
"Answer me." He asked once again staring i to the elders eyes
"No...I did not sleep with him."
"Liar.." Tae pecked Yoongis cheek..grinning

"No. I didn't sleep with him. We were just talking about random stuff and drinking." Yoongi said struggling to stand straight as the youngers hand wandered all around his sensitive spots.

"Good boy..."Tae kissed his neck.
"My baby knows better, don't you? You know that only I can fuck you..only I can see your face while you beg to be fucked..only I can see the pretty face you make while you are overwhelmed by pleasure. Tell me, baby. "
Tae already released Yoongi's hands and lowered Yoongi's sweatpants and slid his hands to his  boxers, taking his hardened length on hand slowly moving them up and down .
"Yes..."yoongi whispered
"Yes, what baby!"
"Yes sir...Only you can pleasure me."
"Good baby..my good boy... Don't ever let anyone touch you like this, do you understand? Tell me you are mine"
Tae increased his speed.
"Ahhh...Tae..i.." yoongi was pointing and sweating.
"Tell me "
"I m only ...you..your's sir" Yoongi managed to say between his moans.
Tae suddenly turned Yoongi facing the wall and continued working his hands from behind.
Yoongi could feel the youngers hardened dick in his back.
Yoongi silently swore; his moans  were getting louder , so he himself put a hand on his mouth, hoping to quiet his voice.
Tae grinned at this, seeing how perfectly submissive he was.
"Are you close?" he asked.
Yoongi nodded
"I won't be cruel today. Don't worry about me. You can cum.." and soon Yoongi came exploding all over the floor and on Tae's hands.
"Shit....fuck.."1yoongi sweared
"As always, my baby was so beautiful. " Tae turned him once again facing him and kissed Yoongi's lips hard.
Then immediately, he helped him to clean and dress up.
Tae walked outside and began washing his hands.
Yoongi followed him, his head low ; Tae grinned and looked at him.
"You made a mess." Tae said looking at him through the mirror.
Yoongi hated himself. He hated himself for enjoying being manipulated by Tae. He is playing him like a toy, and Yoongi's body never resisted the dominant traits of Tae in the bedroom. This is what started this mess..he knows he enjoyed it way too much..and he hates himself for that. Yoongi didn't look at Tae and silently left the restroom. Tae followed him behind with a little smile of victory on his face and whistling one of Yoongi's songs on his lips.
Yoongi felt more like shit.
They reached the studio, and as Yoongi was going to reach for the door, Tae opened it for him and kept standing there, watching Yoongi go inside with a grin.
Jimin and Jin saw this. Taehyung looked at Jimin with a smirk.
Yoongi walked straight to the couch and plopped down. He tried to keep his face straight as he didn't want anyone to know what happened, even though his face was red and his hair messy.
Jimin kept watching Yoongi, even though the elder gave him a smile; he knew something was off.
The rest of the practise was a torture for Yoongi. The Staff even recorded them for posting on YouTube.
All of this had to happen today, he thought.
As everyone started leaving for the day, it was almost night.
"Hyung, did something happen?" Jimin asked Yoongias he was packing his stuff.
Yoongi gave a fake smile. "No, Jiminah, why do you ask?"
"Nothing, Hyung.."Jimin shook his head.
"I'll be leaving then."
Yoongi then grabbed his bag and left immediately. Jimin knew he was hiding something.
As Jimin started following him, Tae stopped him.
"Stop trying so hard, Chim".
"What?" Jimin asked frowning
"I said to stop trying to get close to him."
"We are close, moron. we've known each other since we were teenagers."
"You know what I mean, Jimin."
"Ahh fuck off..who asked for your permission? I'm just looking out for him, not trying to get into his pants Unlike you" He hissed back
"Oh yeah.."Tae laughed
"trying you say ?! "He scoffed
"because only I can do that. Just like this afternoon, he tried so hard not to cry out my name and you won't ever be able to do that. "Tae laughed hysterically
Jimin was shocked.
"You fucking psycho ... What did you do to him?
Did you force him or something? Is that why he looked sad?"
Jimin pulled Tae by his collar, angry.
"Calm down, Chimmy..I'm not a pervert, you asshole..and fyi, I don't need to force him for anything because he is always ready for me..I never touched him without his consent.So Don't ever try to get your chubby little hands on him, ok." He pushed Jimin slightly scoffing
Jimin left his collar and watched Tae walking away while giving him a death glare.
Jimin knew he needed to yalk to Yoongi, and he needed backup.

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