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🔞Warning: Smut 
The game show was namjoons worst nightmare .

"I m not cooking ever again "namjoon announced as he entered the dorm and slumped down on the couch his pale blue sweater covered in some kind of red sauce.
"namjoonah..You really shouldn't..its good for world peace " Jin laughed.

"Our fans are damn creative in creating memes and trolls they will have a blast when we air this " Hobi too joined the laugh
"Yah...don't stain the couch go change your clothes and wash up " Jin tried to drag joon out of the couch. They all were being chaotic as usual .Yoongi slowly started walking to his room without joing the fun as he was tired.

"Hyung.." Tae noticed that yoongi was leaving so he ran behind him and everyone looked at their direction
Yoongi turned and saw 6 eyes on him and he scratched his head shyly
Tae noticed yoongi getting shy and saw that everyone was staring at them
"What?!! Look away.." he asked eveyone with big eyes
Everone quickly pretended to looked away their ears and eyes still fixated on the couple.
Tae knew there is no point in schooling the nosy members, he chose to ignore them and turned his face back to yoongi
"Are you tired ? he asked yoongi holding both his hands
"A bit..i m sleepy "
Tae grinned "ok so take rest..and can you come to my room after dinner?"
Jimin whistled
Tae glared at jimin for a second
Jimin quickly pretended to show something on his phone to hobi, smiling like an idiot.
Tae sighed accepting his fate that the members are never gonna leave them alone and turned back to his boyfriend
"We can watch a movie.."
Yoongi nodded
"Ok then sleep tight" he lifted yoongis hand and kissed the knuckles softly .Yoongi got red again ,he smiled and left the room slowly.

"He is red as a tomato "hobi laughed
"Stop teasing so much you are making him shy..."Taehyung turned and said
"Ohh look at that defending his kitten boyfriend already.." Hobi laughed again
"Little Meowwwmeow loves tae tae.."Namjoon teased in a baby voice
"Meowww "Jungkook purred
"Ohh grow up!!" Tae said angrily
The teasing continued for a long time before everyone got seperated and started doing their own stuff.And Taehyung just went to his room and started cleaning up , he changed his sheets and cleared his garbage and stocked some drinks and few snacks in his room for their movie night.


They started their movie night normally but ended up making out and talking and then falling asleep ,cuddling and never making it to the end of the movie.Around 4 o clock in the norning taehyung woke up thirsty and went to get the bottle from his table.As he returned he saw yoongis eyes open
"Ohh i woke you up"
"We never finished the movie " Yoongi said softly
Tae left out a small laugh looking at his sleepy boyfriend
"Your bed is comfortable" Yoongi said snuggling onto a pillow.
"Its big thats why . You should get a bigger one yours is too small for both of us and it makes a lot of noise too"
"That didn't stop you from anything did it? " Yoongi teased
"Ahh you are teasing me at this hour..really!" Tae laughed
Yoongi smiled wide "we practically traumatised our members with that noise."
"Yeah we did " Taehyung went under the sheets laid near him and put his arms around yoongis waist to drag him closer and kissed his cute button nose.
He the stared at his boyfriends eyes
"I love you so much..I can't really believe that you are mine" he said
"I love you too.."yoongi whispered smiling

Tae then kissed yoongi softly on his lips yoongi responded by giving little pecks on Taehyung's neck.Tae groaned as he felt the effect of those kisses going directly at his groin.
"Baby..dont. You Are gonna turn me on"
Yoongi smiled between the pecks and it turned to kisses..his teeth grazed Taehyung's skin biting slowly.Taehyung started feeling a tightness in his boxers
"Ahh fuck" Tae sweared.He pushed yoongi to his back and climbed on top of him
"You are asking for it baby" his deep voice whispered in yoongis ears.And yoongi just gave a smile he knew how to drive the younger crazy, his neck was his major turn on zone.Yoongi bit his lips and stared at him with eyes full of desire .
Tae couldn't resist but kiss him .He kissed him hard and deep , sucking on his lips .Yoongi moaned and kissed him back fiercely .
Tae broke the kiss and held him closer
"Please don't enjoy it..ask me to stop..or we are gonna wake up everyone at this hour "he whispered onto yoongis ear desperately, his cock straining inside his pants begging to be freed
"I ll keep quiet" yoongi replied
Tae gasped "Fuck baby you are gonna be the death of me.."

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