Begin again

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In the genius lab,Yoongi  has already downed a lot of coffee and drinks while working on his new music when he heard a knock
He had asked the staff to get him a few drinks as he ran out of them.He got up to open the door and found Taehyung standing there with a pack of drinks.Yoongi was surprised to see him there.
"Why are you bringing these?" He asked looking at the drinks.
"Found it outside, I think the staff was afraid to disturb you."
He nodded and grabbed the drinks from Tae's hands and walked inside followed by Tae.
"What are you doing here, anyway? "

"I just wanted to see what you were working on. " He said while he picked up some empty bottles and takeaway containers and threw them in the garbage.
Yoongi looked at the younger surprised, it's been a while since they have talked normally like this.Eventhough yoongi was the one who started the cold war he did badly wanted to go back and talk to Tae and now he was glad thatTae himself decided to put an end to it.
It's a song Namjoon wrote, well he srote a part . I was just working on it more" yoongi said while sitting back on his chair
"Ohh..when do I get to sing one of your songs?" Tae smiled
"Whenever you want."
Tae left out a small laugh
"You lie only like Jimin's voice, right?"
"I do like Jimin's voice. I think it's beautiful and unique.But that doesn't mean I don't like yours or the other vocal lines' all are talented "
"Mmhmmm" tae nodeed
"Sit ..." Yoongi pointed at the couch.
Tae sat on the couch, gripping the end of his shirt.
"You can finish the work, don't mind me..i ll just hang out here" Tae said grabbing a pillow from the couch.
"Yah , i was writing something down..let me finish and then we will talk..5 minutes"
Tae nodded and sat on the couch gripping on to the smelled like yoongi, Yoongi probably used to sleep on this, the whole too familiar scent filled Taes nostrils .He tried to smell it more without being too obvious, he did miss was comforting for him.
After a few moments , he looked at Yoongi, who was still absorbed in writing...he needed to get this out of his mind

"Do you like him?" He asked
"Mhmm?! " Yoongi frowned and turned around
Yoongi sighed loudly "Ahh, Taehyungaa, how many times have I told you?"
"Ok..sorry" Tae said without looking at Yoongi
" It's ok..but we are not in a relationship, i never thought of Jimin like that..I didn't even.."
"Not for that" Tae spoke breaking yoongi's talk
Yoongi looked at Taehyung vonfused
"For doing whatever I did to you that night and in the washroom ..and many other times, you said we needed to stop being together like that, but I didn't, and I'm sorry."
Yoongi sighed, he knew Tae wanted to end their little fight just like he did but he didn't want Tae to take up the blame or anything.
"You don't need to.There were two people involved; it was as much my fault as yours ; I could have said no; I didn't."
Tae nodded.
"Hyung... " Tae spoke after going silent for a few minutes.
"I really don't like the idea of you being with someone else."

Yoongi turned his chair fully to look at the younger.He gulped down and kept looking at Tae..his heart just fluttered hearing that, even though he was trying to get rid of those feelings towards his handsome Makne, they were still there inside waiting to get out, and him saying stuff like that was definitely not helping.And he was not even sure what Taehyung meant by that ,the younger had said this to him before but on a different mood and situation.
Tae couldn't see Yoongi in the eye.So he kept his head down.
"What do you mean by that? Yoongi asked softly
"Jimin..I don' fact, it's not just Jimin you being with someone that way.. I don't think I like it."
Yoongi nodded.. His heart was racing, but he needed to keep his cool; he doesn't even know where Taehyung is going with this.

Tae then slowly looked at Yoongi, who suddenly got shy and started scratching his head, looking away.
Tae smiled at his elders action he can never keep eye contact , he gets shy easily.
"You ate too cute, Hyung. You still can't look at me in the eye. You know there is no place on your body that I haven't seen, touched, or kissed." He said grinning

Yoongi went red upon hearing that.The younger surely knew how to make him blush.
"Ahh Taehyungah..what..what are you getting at?" he asked flustered
Tae laughed "Ok I won't tease."
He stopped for a moment
"Can we start over, Hyung?"
"What?Start over, as in sleeping together again.?..I don't.." yoongi said furrowing his eyebrows
"No, ..No...not that I don't want to. I would really love to do that." tae smiled looking at yoongi from head to toe
" point" yoongi stuttered getting more red creeping up on his cheeks, the younger's stare was something else.
Tae pursed his lips"Yeah.. I don't want to have sex. I want to figure out this feeling, Hyung. I can't put a name to it now. I don't know if it's like me being unnecessarily possessive like I always do, or is it something that I want to pursue, I like you."
Yoongis heartbeats were loud, and he was pretty sure Tae heard them. Yoongi just nodded, struggling to speak.The possibility of Taehyung actually liking him was way too much for him.

"Can I take you on a date?"
Yoongi choked on his saliva..he coughed  and looked up at Taehyung,not sure if he heard it right.
" A proper one ...Like normal people do..i want to do this right this time hyung"
" Tae..You don't need to do anything just because you feel bad.." yoongi said not sure why Taehyung was doing this.
"No, I want to..really..but only if you are interested. I'm not telling you that I have that sort of feeling or even asking you to feel anything, but I want to give us a real chance. My mind is confused, Hyung, and I want to figure this out..i have never felt this way towards anyone..It's not a random person, Hyung, it's you and me. Please"
"O..ok... "Yoongi said that even though he knew he was already past the stage Taehyung was mentioning, but he didn't want to scare Tae by saying anything when he was not sure about his feelings.
"Really!!!.."Tae happily got up and came near Yoongi to cup his cheeks.Yoongi smiled shyly.
"Ahh, I forgot how squishy your cheeks were. "He gave a fond smile to Yoongi.

"Can I give you a kiss on your cheek, Hyung?" Tae asked looking at Yoongi's eyes.
Yoongi nodded, he missed this closeness, no matter how much comfort other members gave him..being near Tae was something else for him.
Tae smiled give a peck to yoongi's cheeks..his lips lingered there more a few he missed the physical intimacy they shared once too.
"Thank you for agreeing, Hyung."
Yoongi nodded again.
"Let's make plans at the dorm..tell me where you want me to take you."
"No, you do it. I'm not good with this stuff."
"Yeah.." yoongi nodded
"Ok, so I'll do everything. You just show up. "Tae smiled fondly.

Yoongi ssmilrd at Taehyung..his heart being fast his eyes almost in the danger of shedding tears..he couldn't belive this was happening.
"So..You have to work.. I'll leave now, Hyung..we will talk in the dorm"
He waved goodbye and went out of the door turning multiple times to look at the elder.
Yoongi's heart was still beating a million beats per minute.As soon as Tae left he left out a breath he didn't know he was holding..his eyes watered ..the most unexpected thing happened and he was glad to see the old Taehyung, the bubbly, happy one he had fallen in love with..the one which he lost on the middle of their situationship.



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