Moving on

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Jimin and Yoongi were sitting at the restaurant, sipping on their drinks. Jimin noticed that Yoongi looked a bit better than he did before the concert. He wondered if everything that had been going on with Taehyung had been resolved, but he never saw them talking to each other, so it made him think more like what if they called it quits and moved on, but Tae's expression before didn't seem like it, but anyways, he didn't say anything to ruin their evening together since it has been a while since they have gone out together like this.

"You look like you are in a better mood these days, Hyung."
Yoongi smiled at Jimin.." kind of..I was glad the concert went really well., yeah, everything is kind of better now."
"Hows holly?"
"He is good. He cried a lot to come with me to the dorm, though."
"Cute..". Jimin laughed

The food was served soon  and they were joined by the chef  . Jimin  enthusiastically introduced his hyung to him and talked about how good of a cook he is, making Yoongi go red and embarrassed .After a while having discussions about the food, he left them to enjoy the rest of the dinner

They both ate a lot and had fun catching up, just like old times, when it was time for dessert, they decided to share one as they were already full from the main course.

Jimin slid his fork  into the chocolatey dessert.Jimin moaned a bit when the bitter sweet desserttouched his taste buds.

Yoongi laughed  at the younger's reaction "This food is good, Jimina, and those noodles are kind of the best I've had in a while."
"Yeah, I agree."
" I told you the trip will be worth would have missed this if you decided to sleep in instead "
Yoongi smiled and took a bite of the dessert.
"Happiness looks good on you, Hyung... You should always be happy like this instead of being a grumpy cat." Jimin said seeing  the smile on yoongi's face

"Hey,!!! I'm not that grumpy."
"You are hyung".
Yoongi threw his napkin playfully at Jimin while he laughed.

"I didn't notice." Yoongi spoke as the laughter subsided slowly.
"What hyung"
"that you had a crush , I know people shipped us a lot because we were close, but I never thought .."
"Ohh leave it, Hyung, it's all in the past..honestly yeah..i was attracted to you..i mean, who wouldn't be? You are talented, handsome, and the most considerate person I have met. Also, you are such a badass..a polar opposite to me. I barely had the courage to speak kind of protected all of us when we were young. so it was natural, but it went away as time passed, I guess."
"That's a relief, know I never.."
"Yeah, I know you never thought of me like that, and I'm glad you never did.I like the way we are now"

Yoongi smiled at Jimin, satisfied that the weight on his chest is off. Actually, he was glad that Jimin was with him. He helped to keep him sane. All that drama with Tae was mentally .draining him, but Jimin was the only positive thing on those days. Even though Tae went silent close to the concert dates, he kept calling Yoongi while he went home; he ignored the calls, and by the second day, he stopped, and Yoongi thought he finally stopped trying and got the message. But He was surprised a bit that Tae never tried to talk again, even when they saw each other back at the dorm. He felt bad about not being able to talk to Tae because even though he had been trying hard to keep him away, his feelings didn't disappear anywhere; they were still there, and it took a lot of energy to act the way he did. But when the slightest chance arose of Tae finally giving up on whatever relationship they had,it broke his heart, but it was for the best.
And he was glad that Jimin didn't bring up Tae anywhere in the conversation; he appreciated  a night off from that drama and all the conflicting thoughts he had about Taehyung.

They happily finished their meals and said goodbye to the chef before showering him with compliments and agreeing to recommend the food to everyone.


Tae paced back and forth in his room.
"Date..a fucking date with Jimin
He's got to be kidding me..what the hell is so special about Jimin? He ignore my calls for this..i thought after giving him a little space he will come back and be ok with us like before..but he chose to do this instead..he thinks sleeping with me is weird and members are noticing so what was this date with jimin ? An invisible one!!!" He threw his pillow in frustration.

" No tae, why the hell are you being this's not like there are no other giys in the world..there are plenty..fuck !! but yoongi with jimin..hell he knows nothing about what yoongi kiss with that stupid mochi and he will come running back to me.."
His eyes landed on the clock in between his crazy thoughts.
"Damn, it's 11.30 and they are not back yet!"

I don't think i wrote the part of Tae's frustration well enough.I wrote it multiple times and ended up with the one above.Hope it's decent🙂🙂

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