Chapter 7.

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"Mairaa! Alexi is here", I heard Sarah shouting from downstairs.

"Nooo!" I let out a sigh, dropping on the corner of my bed. Harry looked at me confused. I didn't wanted to break infront of him.

"Whats wrong?" a soft yet heavy British accent startled me. He sat next to me and started comforting me. "It's my cousin, she bullies me she taunts me on not having a boyfriend, Every time we meet. I don't want to go there."

I look up at the curly haired boy who was thinking hard. "I got this babe, just come." I had no idea what was he upto. But I was still afraid. I felt a hand holding my wrist. He picked me up and we ran downstairs to meet my cousin.

There, she stood there wearing jeans short which were too short and a shocking pick shirt which showed her stomach a little. "Alexii!" I greeted hugging her."How are you?" I asked looking at another blond boy at the back. "I am amazing. You tell?" She says chewing her gum. "Oh, and this is my boyfriend, Austin." She says shoving his boyfriend forward."Hey, I'm Maira." I introduce myself."Hey, I am Austin." He smirked shaking my hand."So, who are these people standing?" She asked, pecking behind my back. I introduced everyone. She just had and 'o' face the whole time. She then chewed to her gum smirking at me.

Oh Shit, Here it comes.

"Soo, Any boyfriend or Forever alone?"

I sigh. I opened my mouth to speak but was cut off from Harry's voice from the back."I'm Harry, Her boyfriend." He said taking out his hand for a hand shake.

What the feathers is he talking about!?

I looked at him with wide eyes. I could also feel other eyes behind us. Harry narrowed his eye and motioned me to play along. I did as said. I mean the idea wasn't bad.

I felt a hand slip on my waist. I shivered at his touch.

"Ohh, I-i'm Alexi. Her cousin." She answered shaking Harry's hand.

This is going to be interesting huh?

I motioned the couple to sit on the couch. They do as said. Alexi eyes were locked on Harry. She was suspicious I guess. Gosh, How do I make her believe. I had no idea what Harry was upto next.

Harry sat next to me. He slipped his hand around my shoulders and Intertwined his figures with mine, I shivered in every single touch.He just chuckled at my reaction. Now we had hit an awkward silence.

"Let's play truth and dare to pass the time." Louis said looking at everyone.

All nodded in agreement and started settling on the floor. Oh God!

Niall took the bottle on the side table and spun it in the middle. It landed on Sarah and me. I had to ask her, Thankgod.

"Truth or Dare." I said smiling. "Dare." She replied. I start thinking for an awesome dare. But it was hard. AHA!

"I dare you to kiss any boy." Her jaw dropped literally. She didn't took much time. She got up and pecked the Irish guy on the check making him blush furiously.It was obvious they had something special.

Niall spun the bottle again which lend on Me and Alexi. I had to Answer. Shit, No!

"Truth or dare?" She asked with an evil smirk. "D-dare?" Why did I said dare. Shit Shit Shit!

"I dare you to....... Kiss your Boyfriend." She simply said, testing me if he really is my boyfriend.

OH. NO. I gave a fake smile and looked away for a while thinking what to do. Then I felt Harry's hand squeezing mine. I guess he wanted to kiss me. I mean I wanted to kiss him all along but its just that thing.....

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