Chapter 49.

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Brain tried to process everything.

My heart scatters into a million pieces


It was the cornor....Harry pressed to the wall..while Emily...their lips were pressed together in a heavy kisses. My eyes watering as I was still in the shock state. I just stood there, seeing my boyfriend and his ex girlfriend snogging.

Harry's eyes were popped open as they met mine. Without any other thoughts I turned around and ran out if the place crying.

I don't want to see his fucking face. I don't want to hear is fucking voice. I don't want to live in this fucking world.

I stop for a while, taking my heels of and grabbing them in my hand.

"MAIRA!" Harry shouted, his foot steps coming near. My pace getting faster and faster, trying my best to ran as far from him as I could.

I saw a street going to the left. I took my turn and hide between two houses, it was dark so he would see me probably. My back was pressed on the walk as I slid down on the floor curling into a ball.

The only image going throw my mind was..them just snogging in the corner.

"MAIRA!" There was a loud scream echoing, I scooted a little more. He then came in view, his chest rising and falling as looked ahead of him. I turned around and jogged backwards, I sigh in relief.

I should've known. I should've known that this is what he does here...with her..that he just forgets about me.

I got up, grabbing my heels between my fingers and slowly walked forward. I pecked out side, looking left and right. He wasn't in view.

I started to walk back, the beach coming in view.

I was so stupid, so dumb that I felt for that lier. For a whole year he was telling nothing but lies. Why? Am i a toy that you could just play around with. The tears fell out helplessly. My vision getting blurry very time.

Am I material which you just use and throw it away. This is the second time, second fucking time that I've been cheated....even by the person who I thought was the one...the one guy that'll never.....never let go...

An heavy sobbed left my mouth, the cold wind blowing my hair backwards. I wrapped my arms around myself, trying to keep myself warm. My feet then touch the cool sand as I sniffed. My phone started to ring, I brought the screen in view reading the caller ID, Harry..

I hate that name...I hate it. He is just a lier, a boy how'll always use girls. I remember when people used to call him a 'player'. I don't thing they are wrong....

I sat on the cool sand, pressing my legs to mu chest as I dig my face between my hands. I cried harder, my phone still ringing.

I remember what Sarah said when she wanted me to go out with him.

"Maira, Don't be silly. All guys aren't the same.Harry is different from every way.I always use to tell you that Drake is a jerk...Remember when I use to tell you stuff about Harry and you always use to wish he was your boyfriend.Now is the perfect chance. Dont let it go..."

Huh, It was a lie, every fucking thing was a lie. Harry just proved it, all giys are the same. He never liked me in the first. Just like the other guys he used me. He just played with me.

I gave him my eveything, my heart, my virginity. And he...he just leaves me like this, alone.

My phone started to annoy me. I looked at the screen. 10 missed calls from 'him'. 5 missed calls from Louis and the other were from Sarah.

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