Chapter 24.

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I comb my hair gently in the mirror while Harry changes his T-shirt.

He walks behind me, while I watch his reflaction on the mirror, he smirks while looking at me and wraps his arms aound my waist."Arn't we perfect." He whispers, looking in the mirror. "We sure are." I whisper back, turning around and pecking on his lips. He his lips come in contact with my shoulder, while I see his actions on the mirror. He starts to leave kisses on my bare shoulder, slowly slipping the strip of my tank top down. A gasp escapes my mouth, i don't let my shirt fall.

I turn around, pressing my lips with his. Our lips moved un sync, tongue fought for dominance. We pulled away, smiling. "Get ready," he whispers. I looked at him confused, but do as said. "I'll pick your cloths." Harry informs, stopping me. He went towards our closet and started to look around for a while, he smirked and took out a jeans short, a blank tank top, and his oversized black check-shirt. I looked at him. "Go on." He motined me. I grabbed the cloths, peeking on Harry's cheek and made my way towards the bathroom.

I look at myself in the mirror,admiring the oversized shirt hanging till my shorts, I rolled my sleeves till my elbow. Setting the collars, I walk out of the bathroom. Harry sitting at the corner of the bed, he notices my presence and looks up. His face lit up, eyes rolling from my top to bottom. He stands up, "Beautiful.." He mumbles taking steps towards me. I couldn't stop blushing. "Just one thing..." He trailed, walking towards. I bit my bottom lip, his hands went up my hair, unpinning them. I set my newly opened hair to aside.

"You look amazing with my clothes on.." He compliments, his left eye dropping into a wink. I chuckle at his words. "Let's go!" Harry cheered walking towards the door, i follow him.


We stop by a mall. Mall?

"Come on." He says getting out of his car. I do as said, he comes towards me and wrap his huge arm around my shoulder, while I intertwine out fingers.

The mall wasn't much crowded. I was kind if happy because there would be less fans and stuff.

"OHMYGODD! HARRY! MAIRA HERE PLEASE." I hear some girls shouting in the corner. Oh boy!

We both look over to the girls, they obviously too overwhelmed. "Can we have a picture with you, Please?" A blonde asks. Harry smiles as the walk over to Harry's side, o unwrap our arms, moving away from the picture. "Why are you going?" The girl with the camera asks. "We need one with both of you." She smile. What? Me? Ok...

I walk towards Harry. His arms wrap around me again.

After the picture, we turned around and started to walk. "Oh my gosh, she's wearing his shirt. That is so cute. She looks so cute. Oh god! " I hear a girl whispering to another. I look down blushing and smiling. "Told you.' Harry whispers in my ear. I look up at him and smiled.

We walk over to a ladies shop. It had loads of beautiful dresses and other garments. Harry forces me to go in. We enter the shop, I look at different cloths. There were some cool t-shirts, shorts skirts and stuff. How come I never came here?

"Try this." Harry smirks and a tight red dress which was strapless. My eyes grow wide. "No way, its too tight and just no." I simply state. "Come on, jut for me. Please!" He pleaded. Before I could say anything. He hands me the dress and pushed me towards the try room. "Harryy.." He cuts me off by closing the door. Oh come on!

I undress myself, slipping into the short dress. I look at the mirror. Honestly, I have never, ever in my life wore this kind of cloths. It's not that I look bad or anything.

I unlock the door, taking a deep breath and swinging the door open. Harry looks up at me. His smirk appering in his face. I bit my lip, he was observing me up and down. "I did not expect it this good." He adds, still smirking. I look down at my toes, blushing helplessly. I have a bad habit, and that's blushing. I blush alot!

I turn around and made my was towards the room again, i close the door behind me but a foot was stopping it. Without permission Harry enters the try room, looking the door with a devil smirk. He walks behind me placing his hand on my bare shoulder. I looked his action on the mirror. He looks at my reflection to, smirking. I then feel my dress getting unzipped. I gasped, i wanted to turn around but his grip was too tight. I let go..

He doesn't slip the dress of yet, instead we share a messy kiss. He swiftly pushes on the mirror. My hand then travel under is shirt, touching the fine torso. He then makes his move, he slowly held the front part of the dress and let it slip down. Now, I was only on my bra and underwear. His hands then slip to my waist, pushing closer. I wrap my arms around his neck, pressing his lips harder then mine, the kiss got messier this time, We pull away breathless, he looked at my curvy body, and smirked. I grab the end of his shirt, taking it off. My eyes glued to the tone torso, the broad shoulders. Oh my god!

I then crash my lips again, this time pushing him to the wall.

"Excuse me!" We hear a knock at the door. I stay froze, lips stilll together.

We get into our clothes Quickly. And exiting out of the room. We got a lot of dead stares but Who cares! YOLO bitches!



I bought her the dress, I had to no matter what. She looked extraordinary in it.

We then walk to Starbucks for a quick drink. Settling on a table, i wrap my arms around her shoulder while he rests her head on mine. We stay like this, while she was fiddling with our fingers.

"Harry?" I hear a familiar voice. I turn arpund to respond but freeze in my spot.

Oh shit.......


HIYA! Well obvi you got who it is!

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