Chapter 11.

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Next Morning I woke up on my bed, Surprisingly. I only remember sleeping during the movie. I looked at the clock and it was 10:05am. "Morning, sunshine!" a voice startles me. I got up and saw Sarah smiling. "I wanted to talk to you about something." She said walking towards me." Sure, go on." I allow her. I had no clue what she was about to say."Maira, Harry really likes you." She said reading my expression."Um..Yeah, So?" I questioned."So why don't you go out with him?" She said simply."What!?" I asked confused."Yeah, You like him he likes you so..." She answered."Sarah, Don't you remember, I don't want to get in this mess again." I stated, my voice fading at the memories."Maira, Don't be silly. All guys aren't the same.Harry is different from every way.I always use to tell you that Drake is a jerk...Remember when I use to tell you stuff about Harry and you always use to wish he was your boyfriend.Now is the perfect chance. Dont let it go..." Sarah explains. I just look at her blank."I'll leave you for a while. Tell me your plan ok." She said tapping my shoulder.Soon, She left me alone with the thoughts. Honestly, She was right all along. I always wanted Harry. She use to tell me some facts about him, I first got charmed by his personalty then looks. Goshh, Why does life has to be so complicated.I hide my face with my hands."So?" I heard a voice near my door. I got up seeing it's Sarah again."What do you want to do then?" She asks smiling.I squeeze my eyes for a little time."I'll.....i'll give it a go." I said and opened my eyes while Sarah clapped her hands cheering. She came running to me and hugged me while I just face palmed myself.  This was all Harry's plan. Aw! Sarah left jumping. I smiled to myself. I could not wait for the next challenge. It will be fun, Hopefully. I slipped off the bed and went to the bathroom. Slipping out of my cloths and moving under the hot shower, imagining all those I get to do with Harry. Cuddling with him, Kissing him. I smile thinking of everything until I get interrupted my Louis scream. There here. YAY!  ***** The boys had to go to record some songs for the new album. While we just sat on the sofa, flicking to different channels.I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. It was a Message form Harry. From: Harry.  I'm gonna pick you up at 7pm. x Wear something pretty. ;) x   I smiled at the cheeky boy's text.  To: Harry. Okay.xx See you then. :)  I looked at Sarah and smiled. "You knew didn't you?" I asked smile still not fading."It was his idea." She said putting her hands up. I smiled. I looked at the time and it was 5:00, I better pick my dress. I have to wear something pretty. Hehe!  


  Thanks to Sarah, Asking that beauty out wasn't that hard. I knew I could count on her. Now I have to plan the whole date. Let's not take it much over. I have to take it all smooth yet romantic. Time is ticking quite fast and for the first time I'm feeling tense before a date.  Maira. She is different, From all the girls I dated. She is different in many ways. She is beautiful inside and out. Sarah told be she was afraid of dating because of her last break up. I fell angry at that dick who did such a thing. She is Precious. I will try my best to never break her heart, ever. My thoughts were interrupted my Louis."Good job,mate." He flashed a smiling walking towards."Harry, Maira is really sensitive, she gets broken easily.I believe that you won't do anything to break her but don't do anything to break her. And I must advise that don't drink heavily, your mostly out of control." He assures putting his hand on my shoulder." No worries, I got all under control." I flash him a smile." So,what about you, asked El yet?" I ask him. His face lit up." Yup, Tonight." I smile."Good job, mate." I tap his shoulder.  I looked at the time. It was coming near. I'll make this the best first date of her life, Well I'll try my best to.  


SURPRISEE! Haira is gonna be official sonn. Eee, I can;t wait. This was just a teaser though. I will post the next part today, after a few hours maybe. If I have time.   Next chapter will all be of the date and stuff and another twist will come. :D I can't wait to post it.

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&& I was planning to give shout outs too. 

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LOVE YOUU! :*  Byeeee till now! :D

I'm going to Sarah's plave though. haha! YAY! -Mairax      

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