Chapter 41.

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"So this white shirt, the black one and the blue...That's it?" I rose an eyebrow at Harry who was sprawled on to the bed while I pack our bags. "Yeah, we aren't going for that long." He said, busy on his phone. I roll my eyes and move towards the cupboard again. He isn't even serious. I stood there, trying to pick my outfits now.  

"Oh my god, these millions of girls want me." Harry teases, chuckling lightly. I try not to give any attention. He then gets. "Harry, why are you so hot?. Harry, be mine please. i love you so much. Harry, i love you so so much." Harry teases me in a girly voice, he slowly walks towards me.

"I don't care, You're mine." I spat annoyingly, even thought I know he was teasing. I felt his hand grip mine as he sharply turns me towards him bring us real close. 

"Say it again." He whispers, his eyes looking right. "Why?" I teased, a little serious. "Please.." He pleaded, bring me closer. "I hate you." I spat playfully turning around.

"Ahhh." Harry playfully placed his hand on his chest moving back like he had an Heart attack. I just laugh at his drama. "Harry, be serious. Pack with me." I whinnied, going on my tip toes to get the suitcase on top but failed terribly. Huge hands grab my waist lifting me up. My eyes widen as I giggle. I grabbed the suitcase as Harry places me back on my feet. I don't know but I just blush at this gesture.

I place the suitcase on the bed and started to fold our cloths. Harry sat by the suit case, his hands supporting his back ad his eyes stared at me.

My eyes flick over to Harry, whose just looking at me and smiling. "What?" I blushed. He takes my hand bring me closer to him. I was standing between his legs. He looks up to me, still smiling for no reason. He seriously is a beauty. Those green sparkly orbs, the dimples on each side, his curls. Not to forget his breathtaking body. He's really special.

"You know you're really beautiful." Harry whispers, my lips curl into a small smile. "And you also know I love you." He whispers back, his eyes looking deep in mine. I lean in, giving a peck on his lips. "And I love you too." I whisper back.  


We'er on the road. On the way to go home. Just 1 hour left and we'll be there. We didn't tell anyone there, going to surprise them. It has been almost an year since I've been home.

I'm just nervous. What if Harry's mom doesn't likes me or thinks something bad about me and tells him to leave me and oh gosh.

"You look cute when you think." His raspy voice interrupts me. I smile, lifting my head up.

"Harry, what if your mom doesn't likes me?" I asked worried. Harry frowns. "Yeah, I know she won't like you." Harry simply says. My eyes widen, heart pumped harder. I just looked at him, shocked. How can he say that?  

His focus in the road, not a single word coming from his mouth.

"She'll love you babe, why do you even think that?" He informs. 

"I don't know." I whine smacking my head on the seat. "I know she'll love you, don't worry." He assures taking my hand and squeezing it. "How can you be so sure?" I asked, intertwining our fingers. "Because I know my mom, She loves the things that makes me happy and most of all, she loves the thing I love." Harry assures, again. He bring my hand to his lips kissing it. My lips curl into a smile, heart fluttering. 

He turns the car and stops my the corner. I looked at him confused. "Come." He tells, getting out of the car. I look outside, there was nothing but a field full of grass and yellow flowers. It was beautiful though. Harry jogs around, opening my door. 

"Why are we stopping here?" I asked, taking Harrys hand. "Just to relax for a while. I've always loved this place." He adds, stepping into the long grass. He suddenly lay down, both his hands underneath his neck. I cock an eyebrow but lie with him anyway. I look at the sky, there were grey clouds floating, cold wind blowing my hair on my face. Harry lifts his head placing it on his hand, his elbow supporting.

I look at him, his curls also blowing back, reveling the whole face. He moves some hair from my lips, his tongue slipping between his pink pouted lips. He leans in, pressing his lips with mine. My hands travel to his curls while he sets himself almost on top of me. 

 We pull away, him laying in his previous position. He takes one of the small yellow flowers and traces it on my face. I giggled helplessly. He trails it down till my neck and to the small revealed stomach. "Harry.." I giggled, the petals tickling me. Harry chuckles as i push him back. 

Right now, I just love my life. I don't want anything. Just him and me together...forever. :) 


OhMeGod, I'm so ssooorryyy for not updating yesterday, I had a test and my mom took my phone. :(

A really special thanks to MonaAK. She's doing so much for me. Thankyou so much. I love you babez. And If I havn't notice any other of you than THANKYOU! :* :* 

Oh, and is my book full of cliche. You can tell me, I'm just conscious now. :P 

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Byee. :* 

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