Chapter 33.

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As I was leaving, I decided to do something special for her and the only thing that popped onto my mind was the breakfast.

I even made a checklist.

Then we went to Another World. It actually is Another world.

I had the kiss I waited my whole life for. The kiss had something special than the others we had. It wasn't messy, nor hard, nor was it dirty. It was just different and I can't explain it.

Many websites which tells other about my facts have a fact included. "Harry is still waiting for his passionate kiss in the rain."

I guess they have to change that.

Maira is really sensitive and innocent. She is the kind of girl who give all her heart to one person but is scared at the same time. I would never even think of hurting her. I'll do all it takes to protect her.

I never wanted to leave her but I had to. I also warned her that If she doesn't takes of herself I'll break my face. She'll obviously think I'm kidding.

I got off my bed and looked at the time. It was 1am here. So according to my knowledge it would be 6am in the morning at London. She'll be up.

I take phone and start texting. Even after half an hour I get no reply.

Ah, Useless.


I woke up, no one besides me. I let out a sigh. I look at my phone it had 5 texts from Harry.

From: Harry.xx

Morning babe. Hope your awake by now. Xx

Love you.

From: Harry.xx

Wake up beautiful. Someone is waiting to hear your beautiful voice.

From: Harry.xx

WAKE UP PLEASEEEEE! I'm gonna cry. :'(

From: Harry.xx

Fine, don't wake up. No kisses for you.


From: Harry.xx

I'm joking. You can get all the kisses you want, but you have to wake up.:(

I started laughing at his texts. He is so adorable.

I had the feeling to tease him again. I get these feelings alot now.

To: Harry.xx

*snoring* *snoring*

And press send. Shit, the time difference. Its 11am here then it will be......6am there. Oh god!

I got up from my bed and walked to the washroom. After freshening up, i walk up to Nora, who was sleeping peacefully.

I walk down, frowning at the empty house. "SARAH!" I shouted. No answer. "You'er up!" I hear a sweet voice from behind. Dani.

I ran upto her and hugged her tight. "You miss him." She whispers, hugging back. "Alot." I whisper back, my eyes getting watery. "Same here." She whispers, rubbing my back. We let go."I have to go for the rehearsals. The girls will be back in a while." Dani smiles and leaves.

I stand there alone. There was just silence until i hear my phone ring. I run upstairs, tripping like 3 times. I jump on my bed finding my phone, but unfortunately the ringing stops. Shit, I look at the missed call, Harry!

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