Chapter 21.

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So yeah, I told her what I felt, even though she couldn't hear me. But, that was the last time I'm doing this. I have planned to get over her now & look towards the new girl in my life, Perrie.

I asked her out becasue I felt lonely and also wih the hope that I'll forget Maira somehow. Perrie is beautiful and lovely, but Maira is different.

Now I'll make Perrie feel special, Do all the things with her that I planned with Maira. It's hard to say this but I have to do it. and I will.

Apart from that, I don't want any kind of bad stuff between my best mate, Harry.

For the last time, I, Zayn, will look forward to my life with Perrie and get over Maira for good....

It'll be hard....


Today, I'll finally get discharged and go home.

Harry has been with me the whole time. He was always there for me. He didn't sleep properly, he didn't ate properly nor did he went for the recordings. He is such a sweet heart, he does so much things for me. And yet I, just smile like a fool everytime.

I want to do something special for him, like he does to me.

"Morning, beautiful." A voice startles me, my eyes flick over to the wet haired boy, who had a towel around his neck. Ok, I'll die.

He came forward, drying his hair wth the towel. He peeks on my lips and sat next to me. Oh how hungry I am for these lips now.

"Felling better, love?" He questioned."Yup, much better." I smile at him. His eyes were still red, he used to sleep on those uncomfortable couch. Dark circles were prominant. I got upset, what have I done to him. I creased my fingres under his eyes, his confused look was obvious."H-harry.." I started, "babe, get rest, I'll come home in some time." I inform, worried."Look at you..." I said, looking deep in those green orbs, they seemed restless. Harry lense in and kisses my forehead."It doesn't matter. I'll be with you no matter what, I love you." He smiled, taking my hand in his large one. And again, i just smile like a fool.

I get up from my bed,I could feel my cheeks heating up. But then a hand grabs mine. Harry stood up, coming closer to me, his long tounge licking his bottom lip. I playfully step back, while he tries to come closer. He takes a huge step and grabs me by my waist."Where do you think your going,women?" He whispers in my ear sending shivers to my body.

He started to leave wet kisses on my neck, making me giggle. I wrap my arms around his neck.

How I wanted this moment to come soon. I was hungry for him, his kisses were my alcohol.

He began to nibble. The new sensation startles me. I try to hold my moans and groans. Harry here, toke that as a challenge and started sucking my neck lightly.

He gets harder then before, I can't hold it. I small moan left my mouth. I could feel him smile during the kiss.He came to the face, leaving wet kisses to my jawline. His lips then pressed to mine, I was forced a little back by his force. The hunger in the kiss was clear. We wanted this moment so bad. My hands trail up to his hair, the curls coming between my fingres as i scratch his scalp softly. a soft moan left his mouth during the kiss. We slowly pull away, smile not fading. The taste of his lips still lingering on mine.

Our foreheads then meet, my eyes staring those beautiful orbs while his stare my brown ones. "This is Perfect.." Harry whispers. "You'er perfect." I whisper back. He chuckle at my answer.


"Maira?" Harry shouts, coming in my room, I'm finally home. I peek out of the closet door and see a beautiful boy at the door frame. "Mhmm" I hummed, coming closer to him."Get ready," He orders, I frown."No, Harry. You have to go to sleep." I reply. He cocks an eyebrow."I won't take no for an answer." He simply states."No!" I teased. "You ask for it." Harry picks me up bridle style and walks downstairs. I hold him tightly with one hand while the others was punching his chest lightly. "Harry, let go." I whinnied between giggles. He took me towards the car, placing me gently on the front seat while he comes to the drivers seat."You are..." I started but he interrupts me."Amazing and hot. I know." His left eye drops in a wink. I laugh at his gesture. His huge hand slips with mine, intertwining the figures. My lips curl into a smile.

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