Chapter 35.

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The same day...

It's 11:30pm. Only and half an hour till our anniversary. 1 whole year together, oh my god.

I walk to my bathroom, washed my face and brushed my teeth. I came out only on my bra and underwear and stood near the closet. I took one of Harry's shirt and slipped into it. The shirt came till my thigh almost hiding the pink underwear. I inhale the smell coming form his shirt.

I walk back to the bed and started to text him. Oh an he haven't even mention our anniversary so I'll just surprise him that I remembered and he don't. But I won't be mad or something.

To: Harry.xx

I miss you. Skype? Call? Anything! :(

I put my phone on my chest and looked up the celling.

I didn't forgive him yet, I never said 'its ok'. I just started talking to him only because I was dying to talk to him. See that face I'm in love with.

My phone vibrates as I picked it up excitedly.

From: Harry.xx

Say my name, and I'll be there for you. :*

What the hell does he mean by that. But I say his name anyway.

"Harry." I whisper. Now getting up from my pillow. A sigh leaves my mouth. He can't come so soon. I started calculating the days left till He comes back.

A strange voice downstairs startles me. My eyes widen in fear. The same voice repeats. It's like someone is tapping something. I get up from my bed and take the baseball bat.

I walk downstairs, the bat in position. Looking around I notice some light laminating infront of the couch but nothing was on view yet. I slowly walk towards it. Looking around. "W-whose there?" I ask, my voice shaking in fear.

The object that was laminating light cane in view. It was a cake, candles all over the top of it. My lip part away, the grip of the bat decreasing.

Someone then hold my hand making me drop the bat and then snake an arms around my waist. I jump up with the touch felt on my skin.

"Happy Anniversary, my love." A raspy voice whispers in my ear. Harry!

I turn around, it was him finally him. He was smirking while I just look at him disbelievingly. I immediately wrap my arms around his neck and buried my face. He wraps his arms around my waist and rubs it lightly. "I missed you so much, don't ever go like this again." I whispered in his neck. A tear left my eye. "I missed you to babe, I won't. I won't leave you ever again." He whispers kissing the top of my head.

We let go, My lips smiling. He leans in as we share a small chaste kiss. We then made our way to the sofa. Th candles were burning on the chocolate cake. "C'mon. Lets blow them." Harry said excitedly. We came closer and started blowing all the candles. He pickup the knife, handing it to me. I hold the knife as his hand was on top of mine as we cut the cake.

Harry took the icing on his finger and then place it on my nose. He then comes closers and kissed my nose sucking the icing off, I giggle. He did the same to my left cheek and finally came in touch with my lips. I missed this kiss. The way our lips move in sync.

I was bent back a bit by his force on me. His hands snacked on my bare legs as his hand started to tease my underwear, my eyes first pop open but I let it go any way. My hands trail to his hair, grasping them in my fist. A soft moan leaves his mouth.

I bring him closer to me, my legs on top of his as we put more pressure in the kiss. His tongue then slip into my mouth. I bit his lower lip, making him moan once more.


Lying to Maira is something I won't ever do but when I look at her to tell the truth, I just stop. I'm scared of breaking her. I know she will be jealous and think something else. I mean she won't get to know what happened in America, she can't see me like she did here.

This is what happened. The time when I was skyping with Maira, I got a text from Emily.

From: Emily.

Hey, where are you?

To: Emily.

I'm in New York for some recording. Everything alright?

From: Emily

Seriously, I'm also at New York! What coincidence.

To: Emily.

Really? That's great.

From: Emily.

Fancy the club tonight? x

To: Emily.

I'm not sure, I have a concert too.

From: Emily.

How about after the concert? I'm free.

To: Emily.

Alright, Not sure. :) see you then.

So yeah, I wasn't planning to go but while we were on our practise break, I went to a cafe down the street and found here. We started to talk then ended up walking in the park.

So after the concert We both did went to the club. I had like 3 shots so I wasn't much in my senses. I swear I didn't wanted to kiss her, even though it was on the cheek. I was drunk, I mean don't blame me.

My phone was in Louis' car. I never notice. At night, I called her. I wanted to talk to her. I don't know something knocked into me that I was going crazy just to hear her voice. I had a strong feeling that she was hurt. She was crying. I can't handle these feeling that I started crying for the first for a girl.

She's not an ordinary girl after all .


My head was rested on my chest, while I fiddles with our fingers. Intertwining them then breaking then apart, doing the same thing all over again.

"Remember when we first bump into each other." He chuckle lightly, as I look up and smile. "How can I forget." I smiles, He looks deep into my brown eyes while I look at the green ones. How much I missed seeing them. "I don't know if I told you before but dreamt about you the very same day." I inform, blushing lightly. "Really? What about?" He says, chuckling lightly. "We were under the moon light, dancing... And then you kissed me." I said, blushing. He chuckles. "Looks like the dream came true huh?" He asks, running his hand throw my hair. "It sure did." I smiled, my eyes rolling over to the first picture we had together that was placed on the wall.

Oh wait, I wasn't talking to him.

It's hard to just ignore him like that, I mean he means alot to me and I can't spend even a hour without talking to him. But This was the last time I'm forgiving him, the next time, I'll react hell alot!



So alot of you have been asking why does she forgive him all the time?

It's because she don't want ti fight with him so she is cooparating but now if he lied to her she'll react.

AND You guys think this is the only drama in it? Ohhhohoh!

There is so much more after. You just have no idea. Omg!


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Oh and Idk whats the problem with wattpad, my fanfic isn't even showing in the FF list. :(



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