Chapter 46

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I ran as fast as I could, tears rolling down my eyes. I couldn't run more, my feet almost shaking as my head throbbing with pain.

"Maira, wait!" He shouted, footsteps coming closer. I have to run away from he. He is nothing but a another lier, fucked up boy.

"Please listen to me." Harry pleaded taking my hand. I slipped it out in disgust, anger and hate. "Please. Don't go like this." He pleaded trying to take my hand again. I moved back.

"Don't touch me." I spoke bitterly. I hate his voice. I hate it when he touches me. I hate it when he looks at me. I hate him.

"N-n-noo, P-please..."He cried, almost bending in his knees. A tear rolled down my eyes my gaze moving to his face.

"I'm sorry." I whisper, turning around and crossing the road. He was still following me. I don't look around to see if the road is clear, I just walk faster. My vision getting blurry because if the tears. "Mairraa!" Harry shouted, I looked to my left, head lights shining in my eyes. My body was numb, not able to move. The car banging my body......


"Harry!" My eyes flick open as I Shot up. I look around seeing that we were still in the car. Harry driving besides me He took my hand squeezing it.

"I'm right here. Is everything alright, love?" He asks, my eyes rolling to his face. I rest my back again on the seat. My mind still not aware of the situation. "Y-yeah." I almost whispers, my elbow resting on the door as i rub my head.

The dream was so real. It's still in my mind. All the view and everything. Why did I had such a dream?   What had happened that I wasn't talking to him? The dream wasn't even full. God dammit!

"Babe? What happened?" Harry interrupts my thoughts. I don't know if I should tell him or not. "Huh, Nothing. I just had a bad dream." I whisper, trying to shake the thoughts off. I looked out side the window, noticing we are now in our street. "It's going to be fine." Harry lifts my hand placing a delicate kiss on the back of it.

We stop by our house, Harry getting out first jogs around and opens my door. I step out, smiling at him. He takes the suit-case out if the car and walks towards the door, I follow him. I take my Phone out and infrom My mom and Sarah, she said so, that i'm home. Slipping it back in I enter the house.

The feeling of being home again was quite relaxing. I walk upstairs, following Harry as he places the suit-case on to the bed. I walk towards it and unzip it around. Harry sprawling on the bed next to it. I search for my pyjamas and t-shirt but instead found a shinning silver wrapper inside. I frown picking it up, oh..It was a condom. I bring it up, showing it to Harry. "Seriously?" I cock an eyebrow at him. He chuckles lightly, "Just in case." He winks smirking. I couldn't help but smile at his cheekiness.  

I love his combination of being all adorable and cheeky sometime while in the others he gets all sexy and naughty, not to forget flirty.

I take out my Pyjamas and unzip the bag again. Before I could turn around Harry held my hand, me frowning at him. "You forget things easily." Harry stands up, coming closer. I take step back playfully, Harry's dimple appearing.  

"What do you mean?" I asked, taking another step back while he comes closer. Harry doesn't wait or something. He just pushs me back on the wall coming real close.

"You know, at home......there is and one disturb...the perfect moment.." He whispers, his hand tracing my neck, jawline and my lips.   Oh.. I see what he did there. Ah, Naughty little curly fry.

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