Chapter 31.

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We stopped by the same place. We get out of the car, Holding hands and entering the jungle. "I love this place." Harry starts, looking at me. I look into his eyes and frown. "You know, It's a place, where thers only you, and me and no one else. It;s like Another world. The world I love." Harry flashes his dimples, his green orbs looking deep in my brown ones. I peek him on the cheek. "You'er adorable." I whisper, smiling.

It started raining a little, cold drops splashing on my skin. I look up to the sky, the branches shelding some rain. "Don't you like rain?" Harry, cathing my attention. "I love ran. Why?" I question him, looking at him. "Get ready for the best rain of your life." He adds, squeezing my hand. I chuckle lightly.

The drops started to pour more faster, the clouds started to crash into eachtother. I jump slightly at the sond of the clouds making Harry chukle. He wraps has hand around my shoulders, Bring me closer.

The lake slowly coming in view, my face curling into a smile. FInally.

The moment the lake was in full view, it started to rain heavily, Harry hooting along. I look up at the sky, cold drops splashing on my face. I felt some hands snake my waist and the next second he lifts me up twirlling me around. "Harry, put me down." I whinne, laughing.

My hair was getting wet along with my cloths. He puts me down. I look up at him. His hair was all wet by now, the shirt making the four nipples visible. He looked extraordinarry. He is actulley the defination of perfection. Those green orbs, the brown curly looks, the dimples, Like every single thing.

I caught my self staring at him blindly. I look at my tose, blushing furiously as I hear him chuckle lightly. The rain pouring down moe heavily. I feel his fingers on my chin as he lifts my face up, now my face fully facing mine. We had a deep staring, the rain drops slip on eachother faces. His thumb brushes lightly on my lips, wiping away the drops, his eyes flicking over them too.

We slowly leane in, lips finally touching. I've never felt this much sparks in our kiss. There was something unusal, something differnet. The way we slowly moved our lips, the way the rain ouring on us, It was like perfect, it was like the kiss I use to dream about. A True loves kiss under the rain.

I smiled during the kiss. I guess dreams do come true. My hands snake to his neck, as his held my waist, bringing me closer. We pull away our foreheads together. "I love you. I..i really do." His raspy voice spoke, between the other noises. "I love you too. I reallu do." I assure, peeking on his lips again.

We let go, Harry's eyes then focous on my chest, his lips smirking. I frown and look at the point he was looking at. My shocking pink bra was totally visible under my wet white shirt. My cheeks turning a pink shade, he held my hand as we made our way back, dripping with water.


We made our to my house, like the previous one. Everyone was gathering there for tonight, Movies, popcorns, games and stuff. It was a crazy enviorment. Laughing, shouting, hooting werre echoing the whole house.

Me and Sarah went to make some popcorns and snacks. "How do you know he lied again?" Sarah started, my smile fading. "Because I saw him gettiong out of her car & the moment I asked him he lied...again." I answered, sighing. "Bit why don't you ask him?" She says, a little louder. "Shhh, Slow it down...Just forget it.." I said, shaking the thought off.

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