Chapter 61.

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*2 weeks later.*

I scroll down Instagram, chewing my gum.

Things haven't change much, my plan on getting 'over him' wasn't going well. But I guess he is the one going faster in the race.

Yeah, there are pictures all over internet of him and Taylor Swift with Lux. He seems quite happy near her.

The other boys kept telling me that he is just friends with her and stuff but shake it off by saying I don't care.

In reality, it was killing. I break every time I see any picture. I know I'm being stupid, and I know I wanted all this. But...

Someone knocks on the door, taking my attention. A glance at the door, seeing Mom standing and smiling at me. I smile back, motioning her to come in. She smiles and walks towards me. She sits infront of me and took a deep breath

"I wanted to talk to you." She smiles at me, my eyebrows lightly frown.

"Sure. What is it?"

"Honey, I know you don't want to talk about him but just listen to for now."

She takes my hand in hers, her eye looking at me.

"Say everything you want. Everything your hiding inside."

I bite my lips, breaking the contact.

"Have you moved on?"

She whispers, her thumb brushing the top of my hand.

I look down to our hands, shaking my hand.

"Why?" At this moment, i wanted to spat everything i had in my heart, and I will.

"I don't know mom, what ever I do i think of him. Whatever I hear I think of him, what ever I see I think of him. I try my hardest to get him out but I can't. I don't..." I spoke everything in one breath, getting a little frustrated but I get cut off by my mom.

"Because your in love with him."

And that dropped all the thoughts I had. I look at my mom, who was smiling at me.

"The love you used to laugh at. The love you never believed in ,honey." Her voice was echoing in my ears, i don't know. It sound quite wired.

"You know, when I first got to know that your going out. I was scared, really scared that you'll get hurt again..." Her voice trails, i take more interest.

"But then you guys came here....and the way you looked at eachother....the way you both and my dad knew that you are in love now..."

Her words were hitting my heart. It made me go in a deeper thought.

I mean yeah, i had told him many times that I loved him, even he told me that was a bit different. Like i never believed in the actual love or something. I never knew people watching us would thing like that, or i would fall so deep.

Ok, I'm confused.

"Who said he moved on?" She rose an eyebrow at me, i look at her bitting my lip shaking my head.

"Then don't let him get away like that."

Her words gave me confidence and courage. I felt more strong and somewhat loved.

"But he is in New York, mom."

"Then call him sweetie, talk to him. You'll feel better, trust me."

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