Chapter 15.

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You think I'm actually fine..... 

I'm not, I hate it. I hate everything. The way they look it each other, the way they hug each other.

Goddammit what was the problem with me? I should've express my feeling before.  

And guess what, I'm the only lad not dating. We all planned to ask the girls out the same day. Everyone got their except me. Except the fucked up me.  

I don't know what to do. I tried to get over her but it was hard. I couldn't. I still like her, alot.

I'm officially a mess....


Here's a surprise, everyone in the group is dating except Zayn. Guilt hits me.  

I walked to my salon, slowly thinking about all those stuff. Then my mind skip towards Harry making me smile. But then it fades because of the question jumping on my mind again and again. All bad thoughts coming this time.  

What if he was dating another girl?  

No, no!  

He won't! I trust him... 

I'm so furious to find out.  

I walk in the salon. Smiling to everyone.  


After finishing the last Haircut. I inform my manager of my leave and get out of the place. Finally, I'm free.  

I started to walk but then A car horn. I turn back to take a look. It was Harry and the other seat was empty while I could see Danielle and Liam at the back. Let's have some fun! 

I jog to the car smiling 

Settling on the front seat I say my hey's to every, there was El and Lou and all the others too. I smile a wider smile to Harry. He's special. He starts to drive. 

I look out at the window. It was a nice pleasant weather. 

My hand felt a huge one intertwining fingers. 

Thank god he wasn't afraid that paparazzi will be in the car too!  

I turn towards him, his focus on the road but still smiling with that dimple. He lifts my hand up kissing the back of sending shiver down my spin. 

I still get shivers with his touch.  

"Get a room you two." I hear Sarah shout. I turn back and saw Liam and Dani were making out, Aww but Ew! Sarah is not that lovey Dovey romantic girl.  

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