Chapter 58

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After a good argument with Sarah we decided that we will be leaving tomorrow. Wait for the worst part.....we are going for a month, or maybe more than that.

And.....and we won't tell the boys, not Even Harry or Niall.

I'm just afraid of his reaction, I mean i know i shouldn't be because I bet he won't care much now. He doesn't even wants to be with me now than whats the issue.

We walk downstairs, seeing Danielle on the couch while Perrie on the other working on her Nialls. Eleanor walks in with a bowl of popcorns and settle on the couch next to Dani.

"Um...We need to tell you guys something." I spoke, settling on the empty space taking all there attention.

I glance at Sarah, motioning her to start, she moves her head.

"Remember when I told you that mom isn't feeling well at all and she wants us to come." She starts, everyone getting serious. They all nod, looking at her confused.

"Well, we decided to visit her." Her hands clasp together, everyone nod on understanding. "When?" Dani asks, taking a popcorn in her mouth. "And for how long?" Perrie adds. Me and Sarah glance at eachother. I move my head towards the face looking at me.

"Umm...Tomorrow....and...for a month or so." I bite my lips, not really finding there reaction positive. There mouth parts, looking at us confused. "What? Isn't it too long?" Eleanor almost shouts, her face having a hurt look.

"I know....but..I just want to go there." Sarah answers, almost pissed off.

She's actulley going to forget Niall. And Maybe I have the same reason. No wait, I have the same reason.

"Ok..but how will you guys tell them? Like Harry and Niall?" Danielle asks, all of there faces showing concern. My head drops down at my tangled hands.

"We are not." I whisper, my hands getting moist. I could feel all eye looking right through me.

"What the heck? Are you insane!" She shouts, almost banging the bowl on the table.

"Yes, I'm insane now. We are doing whats best for us." I answer, a bit harshly. I get up, deciding to leave and pack but Danielle stops me.

"I thought you guys had a talk." It was clear that she was angry at our decision.

"I did, but he doesn't wants me back. He never will. Its useless." I scold her, bitting away the tears. Her mouth opens lightly disbelievingly.

"Did he said that?" She gasp slightly, her hand stopping me from moving forward.

I shake my hand, trying my best bot break down.

"Then how do you know?" She crosses her arms cocking an eyebrow to me. I was seriously pissed off of their question. We made a decision.

"Look, I just now. And we made our plan and thats it, we're leaving tomorrow morning. Just please tell them when we have left....I...don't want another fuss." I spat taking a deep breath. The faces looked at me shocked. I ignored and walked upstairs.

My phone taking my attention, it was a message from Zayn.

From: Zayn

Is Sarah alright? Niall wants to talk to her so we all are coming over IF everything is chill.

No no no. They can't come now. They just can't come now, Harry can't come now. Niall can't come now. It will ruin everything. And by everything I mean everything.

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