Chapter 63.

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Let me get this straight. I'm NOT dating Taylor Swift. The damn management wanted a drama in our fandom and they choose me to just start going out with Taylor. At first, I tried liking her to just move on. Maybe it worked for 2 days. But then she started to be annoying and god knows what she wanted. Huh, Here is a thing, NO ONE will ever take Maira's place but her. I learned my lesson. I wanted to tell her the truth but she never listen to any of us.

After a almost 3 weeks, we found out that they got a job on the Radio. I wasn't much surprised, she used to talk about working on the Radia alot. The I found that she has got really close to Nick, Who is also one of my closest friends. So how about we solve this mistory the 'Harry' style. You don't get it do you....

All I planned was to forget the past, just leave it there and start a new relationship. I told Nick to somehow bring her and Sarah to a place where we could surprise them, that way she won't run away.

The plan worked, I finally got to see her. She was wearing a tigh dress. Her curves perfectly showing. She got skinner than before, I could tell. The way she tried to ignore my stare, the way she carried herself, the way she danced, not to forget the way she looked extremly sexy, biult more hunger inside, the desire of just holding her close to my body was killing. But not so fast. lets go with a flow, shall we?

I was really curiouse on knowing what happened last time, Even though its none of my concern. You know what, I don't care if I'm not her boyfriend any more, hurts alot though, I'll protect her no matter what. I still love her. I know she lied to me. How can she just forget her way home...

I'm damn sure she loves me back, it was in her eyes. The way she looked in mine. The way she shivered with my touch, the way she blushed.

but the thing is, I think she saw the call I was getting from Taylor.

But I'll talk to her tomorrow, hopefully. We have an interview at thier show. Hell there are going to be so many wierd questions, so many awkward moments but I'm really looking forward to it.


I run downstairs, trying my best not to trip. Sarah following me with a water bottle. We were at the Station waiting for the boys until she started throwing water at me.

I hop down on the last step and twirled around. "Sarah! Don't." I warn her, cocking an eyebrow. She gives a evil laugh at lifts the bottle in place.

Before she could throw water on my I spun around, squeezing my eyes close for the new sensation. Instead, my body hit a hard chest, hands grasping mu shoulders lightly. Actually, a really hard and boney chest. Shit!

I look up at the face, thank god it was Nick. He was giving me a goofy smile.

"Wow, babe. Not in public." He gives my a playful wink, pulling me a liitle closer. I heard chuckles from the back. I slap his chest, pushing him away.

"Asshole, I was calling you last night. Why weren't you picking up?" I complained, pouting. He chuckles lightly.

"If you remember I was drunk last night." He cocks an eyebrow, laughing lightly. My lips form an 'o' shape.

"Oh well, here are your gueast." He smiles and moves a side. 5 boys came on view, smiling wide at me and Sarah.

"Mairaaa!" Louis shouts, opening his hands and walking towards me. I smile at him, wrapping my arms around him. He moves us from left to right making my back almost hurt.

"Ah, I missed you loads." He exclaims, letting go of me finally.

"I missed you too, Lou." I cooed, letting go.

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