Chapter 39.

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After that fight things just got different. Like it wasn't the same. Actually, it's because of me that it isn't. He lied to me, and then harmed me. Am I a toy or something? I don't give him a chance to kiss me,maybe just a peck, or be all romantic with me. I just don't let him come closer to me. He should learn his lesson. He lied to me five times straight. I have all the right to be mad at him.

I slip out of my clothes and stood under the shower, the warm water slowly covered my body as I relax.

What if we end bad because if my attitude, every one will blame me.

I hear a door open. he in the bathroom?

My curtain opened from the corner. I didn't care or looked back. A warm hand was wrapped around my waist. I don't make any touch with his body. I rub my hair to get all the water to every part. I closed the tap and came out of his hold. He stood still, his glare following me. I get out of the bath tub and went to get a towel. It was just obvious that I was ignoring him more this time.

Even If i try to talk to him. It feels like everything he says is a lie. I'm sick of it. I even regret forgiving him at the first place. & he actually thought that I'm a Dumb fuck that I'll go for it every time.

I walk to my closet, my wet feet leaving a trail behind me. I take out a simple t-shirt and a pair of tights going with it. Harry came out of the bathroom. I still don't look over at him but My eyes were narrowed. His glance just followed me, somewhat noting my actions. I grab my clothes and walked to the bathroom. Passing by Harry, he takes hold of my wrist, pushing me back and in front of him. I ignore making any contact.

"You can change here, I don't mind." He joked, trying to make conversation. I rolled my eyes and brushed pass him. I make sure to lock the door. I started crying quietly.

It's hard to just ignore him like this, just pass by him like strangers. I wipe the tears off and washed my face.

After changing, I blow dried my hair and made a messy bun. Feeling a bit refreshed then before. I open the door, seeing the boy siting on the corner of the bed. His focus flicks towards me from the window. I, again, Ignore contact with him.

"Fancy going to the movies?" Harry questions, hope in his voice.

Before I could think of any excuse my phone started to buzz at the bedside table. God bless whoever called at the right time....Louis?

I answer the call.

"Hey." I started, a little confused.

"Hi. Hows everything?" He spats. I frown, exiting the room. "Everything You tell?" I asked, not really understanding his question. "Don't lie." Here comes his sassiness.

"I have to talk to you, Today." He informs. I walk towards the kitchen. "Oh..kay..When and where." I asked, holding the phone between my ear and shoulder an opening the fridge.

"In 15 minutes, i'll come by your house, we'll just walk to the park or something." He answers, concerned. I nod. "Even Harry?" I asked, taking a carton of chocolate milk. "No. Just you. And It'll be better if you don't tell him." He informs, I nod and hung up.

Not telling him will be great, he'll know how it felt.

I take a glass, holding it in my hand, I twist the cap from the other.

A pair of arms snake around my waist.

"Shit!" I mumbled, dropping the glass. It hits the ground blasting in pieces between me and Harry. I felt him staring at me. He was surprised t my reaction. Obviously he will be, i never reacted like this.

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