Chapter 32.

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Sorry for any spelling or grammar mistakes!



Today is the day they'll leave. I won't be seeing Harry for a week then. Sleeping alone on the king sized bed, eating alone, doing things alone. It just makes me more emotional.

I hear his phone ring. I slip out of his arms and walked to the side table. It was Liam.

"Hello!" My voice spoke, as a stretched. "Hey um.. Is Harry there?" He asks, Confusion in his voice. "Yeah, He is sleeping." I answer. "What!? Sleeping? We have to leave, does he know that?" He answer, a little angry. "Yeah, he does, what time?" I ask, shaking Harry. "We have to leave our houses at exact 11am." Liam informs, My eyes flicking to the time. 9:30am. Shit. "Ok, I'll wake you up, don't worry, we'll be there on time." I assure Liam. "Ok, Thanks. Bye." He says lastly an hungs up. "HARRY! GET UP!" I scream, shaking his strong body.

I scream once more until his arm grabs my neck pulling me down. "Harold Edward Styles, LEAVE ME!" I shouted, choking. He lets go, laughing.

"Go take a bath, we have to leave at 11am." I inform, as he scratches his head. "We?" He asks confused. I smile, "Yes, I'm going to drop you to the airport." His lips curling into a smile. "Now get up and take a bath, I have to pack." I said, my hand rubbing my hand.

He gets up, peeking on my cheek and leaving for the bathroom.

I start packing for him. Last night memories pass my mind. I never imagined we would ever end like this. I mean, we just bummed into each other and look at us now.

I had my dream kiss, I had those feelings that I never knew they exist.

After packing his luggage I walk down stairs to make some breakfast.

Breaking the eggs on the fry pan, I hum random songs. The thought of him leaving today made me weak.

I felt a pair of arms snake around my waist as a chin rests on my shoulder. "What's cookin' good lookin'?" Harry's raspy voice spoke in my ears sensing shivers throw my body. I chuckle at his words, flipping the eggs.

He lets go, resting his bum on the slap and crossing his arms. His hair still a a little wet. While he was shirtless but wore some black jeans.

"What will you do when I'm gone?" Harry asked, his left eyebrow raising. I looked at him confused. "Nothing, I'll just hangout with some other british hoties." I teased, turning around. A hand stops me, swirling me back.

"Don't even joke about that." He whispers, our nose brushing. I wanted to burst in laughter but I teased him anyway. "Who said I was joking." I tease, pissing him off. I can't believe he thinks that I'll do this.

He pushed me backwards, slamming me on the wall. His hand pressing mine my the wall. "Harry..." I got interrupts, he crashes his lips on mine for a heavy kiss.

The kiss was sloppy yet meaningful. My hands slip out of his grip snaking to his curls. We let go, both breathless. His forehead rests on mine as we both smile. "You'er crazy." I whisper, slip from his grip. His chuckle echoing the kitchen. He helds my wrist, not letting me move any further. "Crazy...for you, my love." His raspy voice spoke. My cheeks turning pink. I walk away, making out plates and placing them on the table.


"Ready babe?" Harry asks, coming in the room. "Yeah, Do I look ok?" I ask, my hands on my bum. He smirks, eyes rolling from my head to toe.

"When I see your face.." He started to sing, my lips curling into a smile. "There's not a thing that I would change, cause your amazing, just the way you are.." He comes closer, pushing a strand of hair behind my ear. "And when you smile, the whole world stops and stares for a while, Cause your amazing, just the way you are." He ends, kissing my forehead. My lips heating up as his stare got focused in my eyes. I place my hands on his chest !jerking him back, giggling.

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