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⚠️ TW/ abuse, self harm ⚠️

"mom..?" jisung called out as he entered the house.

"you..!" sooyeon slurred as she stumbled towards jisung. "you've been ignoring my calls."

"mom, i was busy." jisung said nervously.

"i don't give a shit!" she pushed him back. "when i call, you answer!"

"i couldn't answer!" jisung shouted back at her.

"you're a no good piece of shit." she shook her head.

"because i was busy?" he scoffed. "you're the one who's drunk off her fucking ass all the time!"

"excuse me? you don't fucking talk to me like that!" she pushed him again.

"i'm so sick of this!" jisung yelled.

"han jisung!" his father, duri shouted. "just go."

jisung rolled his eyes, storming up to his room.

i'm so fucking sick of this. i'm fucking sick of them!

"jisung." duri sighed as he opened the door. "do you have to fight back?"

"what the fuck should i do? sit there and take it?" jisung rolled his eyes.

"you better learn to." duri shut the door, walking towards jisung.

"don't touch me!" jisung shouted, stepping backwards.

"learn your fucking place." duri punched him in the stomach, watching as he doubled over in pain.

"what the fuck?!" jisung was desperately holding back tears.

"stand up." duri demanded.

"i fucking can't!"

"I SAID STAND UP." duri grabbed his hair, pulling him to stand up straight.

jisung let out a whimper in pain as his father threw him to the ground.

"get up." he demanded once again. "now."

jisung shakily stood up. he kept his head down.

"look at me. now." duri pushed his head to the side. "look at me." he pushed it again. "LOOK AT ME." he slapped him on the back of his head.

jisung looked up, not daring to utter a word.

"learn your fucking place." duri pushed him once again, leaving the room.

"i fucking hate them." jisung cried out, letting himself cry now that his father had left.

he shakily pushed himself up, going to his bathroom. he opened up the cabinet under the sink and pulled out his pretty black floral box. he rolled his sleeves up, sighing as he pulled a blade out. he dragged the blade across his arms, piling onto the present cuts and scars.

"fucking pathetic." he mumbled to himself.


"hey sungs." felix smiled as he threw his arm over his best friends shoulder.

"hey lix." he smiled.

"you okay?" felix asked as he noticed how tired jisung looked.

"yeah, i'm fine. why?" jisung responded.

"you just look tired." felix replied with a small nod.

"i'm good." jisung chuckled.

"wanna walk with me to see changbin?" felix smiled.

"of course. you're down horrendous." jisung laughed.

"can you blame me?" felix rolled his eyes.

"no." jisung shrugged.

"hey jisung, hey felix!" changbin smiled as the two walked over to where they were sitting.

jisung looked around, a slight frown on his face when he didn't see minho. he felt slightly out of place. he joined the two in conversation, until two hands grabbed his waist, a yell hitting his ears.

"JESUS FUCK!" jisung turned around to see minho laughing. "min why the fuck would you do that?" he groaned.

"your reaction was hilarious!" minho laughed harder.

"...min?" felix furrowed his brows. "since when did you two get so close?"

"oh we hung out yesterday." jisung replied.

"uh huh." felix nodded. "well then."

"don't look at me like that." jisung playfully rolled his eyes.

"i'm not looking at you like anything, you're going crazy." felix sighed.

"i'm the crazy one?" jisung scoffed. "what are you then?"

"amazing." felix shrugged.

"can't disagree." changbin mumbled.

"oh?" jisung looked between the two.

"you shut up." felix pointed at him.

"that wasn't nice." minho playfully frowned, leaning his head on jisungs shoulder.

jisung looked over, a light blush spreading across his face.

"you smell like honey." jisung said with a small smile.

"you smell like vanilla. the best combo if you ask me." minho smirked.

"that's weird. minho hates people." changbin said teasingly.

"i'll show you how much i hate people." minho rolled his eyes.

"yeah, jisung warmed up to him surprisingly quick." felix smirked.

"jealous?" jisung asked.

minho wrapped his arm around jisungs. jisung let out a small hiss as the arms wrapped around his.

"sorry, are you okay?" minho asked gently as he pulled away.

"yeah, i'm fine." jisung nodded softly.

"are...you okay?" felix asked.

"yes i'm fine." jisung glared at him.

"okay, i was just checking." felix nodded.

"do you wanna grab lunch with me later?" minho asked.

"yeah, sounds great." jisung nodded with a soft smile.

"did...you just-" changbin was cut off by minho.

"shut up! no one asked you." minho covered his mouth.

"i've gotta get to my lecture, text me about lunch." jisung chuckled as he walked away.

"i will!" minho called back.

"so...is this a group lunch or...?" felix asked.

"if you guys show up i'm going to lose my shit. in fact i'm taking him on my motorcycle to a cute restaurant and i'm not telling you where we're going." minho glared at the two.

"wow...okay..." felix nodded, holding back a laugh.

"we could go out to lunch together..if you'd like." changbin gave a small smile.

"yeah...i'd like that." felix smiled.

"okayyyy, i'm going to my lecture. see you guys." minho gave a small smile.

a/n: i just wanted to scare you guys this chapter was not that bad :))

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