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"so jisung, are you really sleeping with that freak minho?" namgil, a man from his class asked as he took a seat.

jisung ignored him, looking out the window. namgil shoved his shoulder repeatedly, an attempt to get his attention.

"answer me you whore." he spat.

jisung couldn't bring himself to say anything, scared of his own voice.

"you're just gonna ignore me?" namgil scoffed.

"he's not a freak." jisung mumbled.

"what's was that? speak up." namgil rolled his eyes.

"i said he's not a freak! and i don't understand why who i sleep with is any of your business! aren't you straight? don't you have a girlfriend? why are you so concerned about who i sleep with?" jisung snapped.

"so you really are gay." namgil chuckled.

"who the fuck are you to care? what, you want to sleep with me?" jisung scoffed.

"watch your fucking tone or-" namgil was cut off by the teacher entering the room. "this isn't over." he scoffed as he went to his seat.

jisung couldn't pay attention to the lecture, no matter how hard he tried. he felt scared not knowing what namgil was planning. he was regretting snapping on him. he wished he'd just stayed quiet.

as the lecture ended, jisung rushed out of the room. he went to the library as he had a break for the next hour. when he walked in he saw minho sitting at a table. his eyes watered as he looked the other way, hoping minho hadn't seen him as he walked to the bookshelves.

his eyes widened as he noticed minho walking towards him, his eyes glued to his book. he tried to quickly walk past minho, bumping into him instead.

"hey!" minho turned around, relaxing when he saw jisung. "sung?"

jisung was frozen in place. he wanted to turn around, but he was having a hard time bringing himself to.

"hey honey, are you okay?" minho asked gently as he walked up to jisung, gently turning him to face him.

"i'm fine." jisung mumbled.

"han jisung, please don't lie to me." minho felt his heart ache.

"i said i'm fine!" jisung ripped his hand away from minhos.

"did i do something..?" minho asked, his eyes watering.

jisung felt his heart shatter in his chest.

"no, min. you didn't. i...i'm sorry. i shouldn't have done that. i shouldn't have tried to ignore you and i shouldn't have talked to you like that." jisung apologized as tears fell from his eyes.

"why were you trying to ignore me..?" minhos eyebrows furrowed.

"because..." jisung let out a shaky breath. "this guy in my class is giving me a hard time about the rumors about us. and...i'm scared."

"you don't have to be scared, honey. they're just rumors." minho said gently.

"i don't want him to hurt me again min." jisung cried.

"who is it?" minho asked.

"choi namgil." jisung replied quietly.

"okay. don't worry, he won't hurt you." minho spoke softly.

"min..what are you going to do?" jisung looked up at minho.

"i'm gonna beat his fucking ass." minho responded.

"min, no. you're not getting in trouble for me." jisung shook his head.

"i'm not gonna let him lay a finger on you." minho replied.

"please, i don't want to escalate things."

"ji, you're making it sound like he's going to hurt you. and i'm going to make him regret even thinking about it." minhos tone was a little colder than normal.

"i...guess." jisung sighed. "he told me 'this isn't over' and i just...i don't want to deal with this again."

"i won't let him do anything." minho assured. "i'll make sure nobody messes with you again."

"you sound so cool." jisung chuckled.

"that's cause i am, honey." minho chuckled. "what are you doing here?"

"i have a break and i wanted to stay away from namgil." jisung answered.

"i also have a break, wanna read something with me?" minho asked as he led jisung to the bean bag chairs by the shelves.

"can you grab me the book 'milk & honey'?" jisung asked as he sat down.

"yeah, of course." minho nodded, looking through the shelves to find the book.

"thank you." jisung smiled as minho handed the book, sitting down close to him.

"come here." minho gently grabbed jisungs face, wiping the tears with the pads of his thumbs.

"thank you." jisung whispered as minhos face was so close to his, yet not close enough.

"always." minho responded with a smile, letting go of jisung as he picked up his book.


"what are you reading?" jisung asked.

"it's called 'flowers on the moon' by billy chapata. it's a poetry book." minho replied.

"i love poetry." jisung sighed contently.

i love you. LEE MINHO NO. 

"it's so beautiful. poets are so well spoken." minho nodded.

"are you a poet, then?" jisung looked over at minho.

"who knows? maybe." minho teasingly smiled.

"hmm..i think you're more like a poem. you're beautiful and you have a way with words." jisung chuckled.

"s-shut up and read." minho blushed, focusing once again on his book.

a/n: how are you my loves? have you eaten? had water? have you been resting? i'm doing okay.

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