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"you're not like...going to kill me are you?" jisung asked as he got into minhos car.

"oh definitely, how'd you know?" minho laughed.

"lucky guess." jisung chuckled.

"uh, aren't you going to answer that?" minho asked as jisungs phone rang for what felt like the fifteenth time.

"no, it's just my mom." jisung shrugged.

"okay, understandable." minho nodded.

"what's...what's your relationship with your mother?" jisung asked playfully.

"no comment." minho laughed.

"speed or something, i wanna meet your cats." jisung rolled his eyes as he sat back.

"YOU are having ME drive YOU to MY apartment and you're gonna rush me?" minho laughed. "i should've taken my motorcycle today."

"you have a motorcycle?" jisung asked.

"mhm, maybe i can give you a ride on it sometime." minho smirked.

"ew you sound like a fuck boy." jisung laughed. "i'd love a ride though." he nodded.

"hmmm that's what i thought." minho stuck his tongue out briefly before focusing back on the road.

"so uh...i have a question." jisung looked over at minhos side profile.

"go ahead." minho nodded, sending a short glance over to jisung.

"why are you so nice to me? like from the moment we met, you've just been too nice. is this a prank or something..?" jisung asked quietly.

"no, why would i do that to someone? you of all people? i just...i don't know. you haven't done anything to deserve me not being nice. and you've been nice to me too, i feel like we match each other's energy really well." minho shrugged.

"oh...okay." jisung nodded, relaxing in the passenger seat.

"are you okay?" minho asked as he pulled into his parking space.

"yeah, i was just overthinking, sorry." jisung gave a small smile.

"hey, you can't help it. never apologize for things you can't help. you have nothing to be sorry for." minho said gently as he turned the car off.

"thank you." jisungs smile widened as he unbuckled his seatbelt. "now, let's go see your cats."

"let's go." minho smiled.


"they're so cute!" jisung gushed as he played with the cats.

"so are you." minho mumbled under his breath.

"what was that?" jisung looked up at him, not hearing what he'd mumbled.

"uhhh i know, right." minho chuckled.

"there's a bruise on your cheek, are you okay?" jisung let out a tiny gasp as he stood up. "what happened?"

"oh, it's nothing. it's okay." minho smiled softly.

"do you have cream for it?" jisung asked.

"uh yeah, i'll go put some on." minho nodded.

"here, let me help you." jisung followed minho into the bathroom.

minho got out his first aid kit, grabbing the cream and a q-tip. jisung gently took them from minhos hands, stepping to the side.

"sit on the counter." jisung instructed softly as he put some of the cream onto the q-tip.

minho did as he was told, jumping up to sit on the counter. his breath hitched as jisung moved to stand in between his legs. jisung gently applied the cream to minhos bruised cheek, being careful not to hurt him.

"all done." he smiled.

"thanks." minho breathed out as jisung took a step back.

"no problem. i'm not trying to push or anything, but if something's wrong you can tell me." jisung smiled gently.

"i appreciate. i'm fine, really." minho smiled. "let's go back to the cats, it's about time that i feed them."

"let's go." jisung nodded.


"you okay?" minho asked as he noticed how silent jisung had gotten.

"yeah, i'm fine. sorry." jisung chuckled.

minho turned around, jisung bumping into his chest. minho caught him quickly. his arms wrapped around jisungs waist. he pulled him close to him. he let out a shaky breath.

"you have nothing to be sorry for." he said quietly. he pulled jisung to properly stand up. he let go, continuing to walk to the kitchen.

"god damn." jisung breathed out, following minho.


"i should probably get home." jisung frowned as he set dori down.

"aw, okay. do you want to take my motorcycle?" minho asked.

"uh, hell yes." jisung nodded. "i'll tell you my address so you can put it in your gps."

"sounds good, let's go." minho smiled.

jisung sat behind minho on the motorcycle, tightly wrapping his arms around minhos waist. he held himself close. butterflies erupted in minhos stomach as he started the bike, looking down at the arms wrapped around him.

"hold on tight." he said as he drove off.

a/n: a cute chapter before the next one :))

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