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"he's there, he's there!" felix excitedly shouted, rushing to the front of the stage.

"that's...han jisung?" minho asked, mesmerized by the singer.

his voice was like honey, matching his honey toned skin. and lee minho loved honey.

he couldn't tear his eyes away from the man, not even for a second. his honey-like vocals consumed him, getting lost in his beauty. this was the most beautiful man he'd ever seen.

"what song is he singing?" minho asked quietly.

"it's called honey and milk, by flower face." felix replied.

"what do you think?" jeongin smirked.

"he's flawless." minho replied.

"uh oh, he's about to make a fool out of himself." changbin chuckled.

"wanna meet him after the show?" felix asked the group.

"yes." minho was the first to reply, no hesitation.

"okay damn." jeongin laughed.


"jisung!" felix found his best friend, clinging to him.

"what did you think?" jisung asked as he put his guitar back in its case.

"it was amazing, i think you made one of jeongins boyfriends friends fall in love." felix chuckled.

"that's what i do best." jisung shrugged.

"chan hyung and his friends want to meet you, he's jeongins boyfriend." felix said as he helped jisung move his guitar out of the way.

"i don't know..." jisung hesitantly looked over at felix.

"it's okay, you don't have to." felix assured gently.

"mmm...i'll meet them. i have to support my best friend." jisung sighed.

"by the way, i've got eyes for changbin hyung. he's off limits." felix said lowly. "which is okay cause i'm pretty sure minho hyung fell for you."

"i don't know who any of these people are so let's go." jisung chuckled.

felix led him to the group, introducing jisung to the three he hasn't met yet. jisung locked eyes with minho, his voice getting caught in his throat. he was the most beautiful man he'd ever seen.

"can i get you some tea?" minho asked.

"huh?" jisung broke eye contact, looking at the ground.

"you did a lot of singing and rapping, tea will be good for your throat." minho chuckled.

"oh...uhm sure." jisung nodded slowly.

"cmon guys, let's go get drinks." minho gave a small smile, the group walking over to concessions.

minho bought jisung a cup of tea, adding the perfect amount of honey. he handed the cup to jisung, walking with him to where the group agreed to sit together.

"it's sweet." jisung nodded as he took a sip.

"like your voice." minho said quietly.

"thanks." jisung chuckled, taking another sip. "how come you didn't use sugar?"

"i love honey. it's my favorite, and it's more natural." minho shrugged. "i guess it's just my preference."

"well, i normally use sugar. but i think i like the honey better." jisung nodded. "it's the perfect amount of sweet."

"is it soothing your throat?" minho asked.

"yeah. my throats sore from all the singing so this helps a lot, thank you." jisung gave a small smile.

"of course." minho nodded.

"so, lee minho. i've heard your name somewhere." jisung said as he looked over at the male.

"is that a good thing?" minho chuckled.

"depends on you as a person i guess." jisung shrugged. "maybe you hung with the wrong crowd at some point."

"ha ha, very funny." minho smiled. "i don't like people."

"i don't either." jisung nodded.

"although, i think i can make an exception for you." minho said quietly.

"what was that?" jisung asked, playing it off as if he didn't hear.

"hm? oh, nothing. hey guys." minho smiled as the group joined them.

"what were you guys talking about?" chan asked.

"minho hyungs obsession with honey." jisung chuckled.

"i'm not obsessed." minho playfully rolled his eyes.

"okay honey." jisung chuckled.

minho looked away as a blush appeared on his face, playing with the sleeves of his sweater instead.

"well okay then." felix said as he looked between the two. "we should all be in a group chat together. changbin hyung can i get your number?" he said as he turned towards the man.

"smooth." jeongin snickered.

"yeah, you can." changbin chuckled as felix handed him his phone.

"i guess i'll get everyone's numbers while my phones out." felix sighed.

"damn." jeongin laughed.

"shush. don't judge me." felix rolled his eyes.

"see, i told you to run. now it's too late." jeongin said to changbin.

"you what? shut up. he's crazy, ignore him." felix rolled his eyes.

"don't worry, i'm not going anywhere." changbin chuckled softly.

"oh...okay." felix nodded with a blush.

"well, let's walk around until our legs get tired." chan said as he stood up.

a/n: ohohohohoho love at first sight, fell first but fell harder 🤭🤭🤭

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