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minhos clothes were covered in blood, dried tears on his face as he sat waiting for jisung. the liquor that had splashed everywhere was dried on his clothes. he knew he should've called their friends but his brain was too fuzzy.

"minho!" sooyeon rushed into the waiting room.

"what are you doing here?" minho was confused.

"yuta got me out. i have a lot to handle. i'm going to have therapy until things are settled, then i'll go back." she smiled sweetly. "are you okay hun?"

"i just...i feel like i should feel worse about what i did." minho sighed.

"hey sweetie, you did it for him. you did it to save him. and in the end, you saved me too." she smiled sweetly. "thank you for protecting jisung."

"i'd do anything to protect him." minho nodded slowly.

"yeah, i can see that." sooyeon chuckled. "don't let this mess with the way you view yourself, okay? you're still the lee minho that he knows and loves."

"yeah..." minho mumbled.

"life is unexpected in so many ways. we just have to take the unexpected and run with it. embrace it. because there's nothing we can do to change it." she spoke softly.

"thank you." minho began sobbing once again.

"oh sweetheart...come here." she pulled him into a hug. "everything is going to be okay." she whispered.

"thank you. i'm sorry i couldn't protect him from getting hurt." minho cried out.

"you couldn't protect him from getting hurt? sweetie, you saved his life."

"i saved his life." minho cried.

"let me go get you something to drink. is there anything you'd like?" she asked gently.

"tea with honey, please." minho nodded.

"okay hun, give me a few minutes. i'll be right back." sooyeon smiled. she got up as yuta walked towards minho.

"i brought you new clothes." yuta handed him a bag.

"thanks." minho bowed as he wiped his tears.

"go get changed, i'll take care of your old clothes when you're done."

"is he really...dead?" minho asked.

"yes, and he's better off that way." yuta nodded. "you're not a murderer, minho. the fact that you're beating yourself up for killing someone as disgusting as him goes to show that. do not let this change the way you see yourself."

"that was kinda traumatic.." minho sighed.

"which is why i'm having you put in therapy. all you did was save your boyfriend. duri would've killed jisung if you didn't kill him first. but, feel whatever you're feeling."

"thank you." minho nodded. he knows everyone is right. he shouldn't feel bad for saving his boyfriend. anything to protect jisung, right? so why should he feel bad?

"go get changed."

"thank you." minho nodded, heading to the bathroom to change.

three hours later 🍯

"for han jisung?" the nurse spoke.

"yes!" minho shot up to his feet, abandoning the cup of tea on the table in front of him as he and sooyeon approached her.

"he has a very bad concussion, a broken nose, and his ribs are bruised along with internal bleeding. but, he will be okay. we're going to keep him in-patient for a while to monitor the internal bleeding." she informed.

"he's gonna be okay!" minho sobbed.

"how long will you keep him in-patient for?" sooyeon asked.

"we're not sure yet. it depends on how he heals." she answered gently. "you two can follow me."

the two followed her to the elevator, minho impatiently waiting to reach the floor. she lead them to the room, saying goodbye to them as she left them outside the door.

"jisung!" minho opened the door, rushing to his boyfriends side. "oh honey..."

"hi honey." jisung smiled weakly.

"are you okay? i'm so sorry." minho began crying again.

"i'll be fine, min. and you have nothing to be sorry for." jisung frowned.

"jisung...i killed duri." minho breathed out. "you were..you were unconscious and he was on top of you and i just...i had to stop him."

"it's okay honey." jisung smiled sweetly. "thank you for saving my life."

minho gently connected their lips. he kept it short and sweet for the sake of sooyeon.

"how're you feeling honey?" sooyeon smiled sadly as she sat in the chair next to the bed.

"honestly? great. they gave me the good shit for pain meds." jisung smiled. "how are you feeling?"

"that night without him was honestly the best. i felt so...calm. i have to handle some things so it's just therapy for me for now." sooyeon sighed. "i'm glad you're okay."

"so...he's really...gone?" jisung was processing.

"yes sweetie, he's gone." sooyeon nodded.

"what's going to happen to minho? is he gonna get arrested?" jisung asked worriedly.

"no, not at all. minho will be fine. i'm going to do everything to protect minho. i have my connections working already." sooyeon assured him.

"are you sure?" jisung asked.

"i'm positive. nothing will happen to minho. just move on, as if it never happened."

"no but, it did happen." minho shook his head.

"i know you're both still processing a lot. i'm sorry i'm struggling to see what's wrong, i've become numb to a lot of fucked up shit. i just want you to know i am trying to remember what it's like. the shock, the guilt..it's normal. that's why you're getting a therapist. i recommend you both do." sooyeon spoke lowly.

"i'm sorry mom." jisung whispered.

"you have nothing to be sorry for. i have a lot to handle right now but i'll be back in the morning with a home cooked breakfast for you two. i love you. get some rest." she pressed a gentle kiss onto jisungs head, ruffling minhos hair as she left.

"jisung...am i...a monster?" minho called out, barely speaking above a whisper.

"no, my love. you're my hero." jisung gently cupped his face, bringing him closer. he placed a loving kiss onto minhos lips.

"he can't hurt you ever again." minho whispered.

"i know. thank you my love." jisung smiled at him.

"anything for you, honey."

a/n: lesbians love lee know.

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