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"thank you, again." jisung took a deep breath before he opened the door.

"han jisung!" sooyeon slurred.

"it's noon. why are you already drunk?" jisung rolled his eyes.

"who's this? he's pretty." sooyeon spoke as she placed her hands on minhos shoulder.

"he's my friend. i'm moving in with him. don't touch him." jisung peeled his mothers hands away from minho.

"WHAT?" she screamed, causing duri to come rushing down the stairs.

"what's going on?" he questioned.

"i'm moving in with minho hyung." jisung replied.

"come to my office." duri responded.

"no!" jisung took a step back.

"let the boy come with." duri took a deep breath.

this. this was something jisung had never seen.

"o..kay.." jisung nodded, the two following his father up the stairs.

"i'm sorry." duri spoke as he shut the door. "i know you don't think so, but i really do love you, you're my son, and my only child."

"love me?" jisung scoffed. "you don't- YOU DONT DO THIS TO SOMEONE YOU LOVE!" he screamed, feeling tears build up in his eyes.

"i'll keep paying your college tuition, and i'll just look out for you silently. other than that, you don't have to keep contact with me." he replied, refusing to look into his sons eyes.

"you're ashamed, and embarrassed. cause you KNOW THAT SOMEBODY KNOWS." jisung moved closer. "i did not go through all of that abuse just for you to turn around and change the fucking narrative when i leave. when i physically and mentally can not do it anymore."

"jisung..." duri sighed. "if you want to leave, i'll let you. i can't legally stop you. but i will still help you quietly. i want you to have a successful life."

"you're fucking unbelievable." jisung scoffed. "i can't even fucking look at you without feeling sick."

"what's your name?" duri looked over to minho.

"lee minho.." minho replied coldly.

"well, lee minho. take good care of him." duri replied.

"no, this is too good to be true." jisung shook his head. "what the fuck are you planning?"

"i'm not planning anything! go get your shit and leave." duri stepped aside.

"that's what i was planning on doing." jisung scoffed, storming out of the room.

"i'm serious. if anything bad happens to my son, you're dead. i see the way you look at him. and friends don't look at friends like that." duri said before minho left.

"sir, i'd do anything for him. which is why i'm getting him out of your house." minho spoke coldly as he left.


"hyung i'm scared." jisung let out shakily as they set the bags down. "he was too calm, too accepting. too..nice."

"hey, im here, okay? i promise i won't let anything happen to you." minho said gently.

"don't make promises you can't keep." jisung sighed.

"i think you underestimate me, han jisung." minho looked over with a playful smirk.

"suck it." jisung stuck his tongue out.

"okay." minho shrugged.

"wha- shut up!" jisung lightly hit his arm, walking to go sit on the couch.

"you okay?" minho asked as he sat down next to jisung.

"i'm drained." he replied.

"why don't you go take a nap while i clean up?" minho suggested.

"question. does this mean we share the bed now?" jisung asked as he looked over at minho.

"yeah..i guess it does." minho nodded. "you go take a nap and i'll clean up and cook us some lunch. i'll wake you up when lunch is ready."

"okay..thank you." jisung gave a small smile.

"anything for you." minho nodded.

jisung got up, walking to their bedroom. minho held a small smile on his face as he moved the bags against the wall, beginning to clean their apartment.

our apartment! now i can be around him a lot more. but what if he gets sick of me? should i change the cat room into his room so he can have his own space? i should've asked him about that.

what if people at school find out? what will they say about him? god, i can't let him be the center of rumors again.

minho shook his head, walking over to grab his vacuum. he decided vacuuming will drown out his thoughts.

he vacuumed the entire apartment, wiped everything down, and cleaned the cats litter box. once he was finished he washed his hands, deciding on what to make for lunch.

a/n: see, it's not that bad. but the audacity of that bitch duri smh.

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