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this lecture is boring 🙄

you've got like what, thirty
more minutes? it'll be okay.

BITCH (affectionately)

oooh you're being affectionate?
how cute 🤭

gotta wash my notes

it's cute how you get so shy ☹️


okay, okay.
my lecture end in 20
so i'll pick you up from class

okay 🤭🤭

now pay attention
see you after your lecture honey

okay yeah
see u then

jisung blushed as he put his phone in his pocket. time couldn't possibly go by any slower. he tried to at least pay a little attention to the lecture, but that proved to be useless. his eyes kept wandering to the clock in anticipation.

he was quick to leave the room when the professor finally dismissed them. he saw minho looking at his phone as he waited for him. a smile crept onto jisungs face as he approached minho.

"hey honey." jisung smiled.

"hi honey. you ready to go home?" minho returned his smile, putting his phone in his pocket.

"yep. we can work on our duet." jisung nodded.

"sounds good." minho smiled as they began walking off campus.

"i do need a cigarette before we go inside." jisung chuckled.

"okay." minho nodded, a small laugh escaping past his lips.


"look what i got you." minho smiled, handing jisung a small velvet bag

"you keep spoiling me." jisung chuckled as he opened the bag. the first thing he saw was a pack of cigarettes, but it was the lighter that made him gasp as he looked up at minho.

"as i should." minho nodded.

"you got me a hello kitty lighter?!" jisung beamed.

"when i saw it i thought of you. light it." minho smiled.

when jisung struck the lighter, the flame was hot pink. he let out another gasp. he let go, pulling minho into a hug.

"it's so cute, i love it, thank you." he smiled.

"of course honey." minho smiled.

minho took a cigarette, placing it between his lips. jisung happily lifted the hello kitty lighter and lit minhos cigarette. minho smiled at the amazement on jisungs face as he took a drag.

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