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"since when the fuck were you his boyfriend?"

"fuck." minho sat down, his hands going to cover his face. "fuck fuck fuck."

"can we worry about this later?" jeongin asked. "this is information overload. let's focus on the current problem. everything else can wait."

"i agree." chan nodded.

"there's so much to process." felix let out a frustrated sigh as he sat down.

"so let's calm down. what is arguing going to solve? what is that going to do for jisungs surgery? not a damn thing." changbin said as he pulled felix into his embrace.

"minho, everything will be okay." chan hugged him.

"minho, hi." yuta approached them with a smile.

"what's up?" minho furrowed his brows as his head slightly tilted.

"just checking on you. i heard jisungs in surgery." yuta gave a half smile. "here, i have water for half of you, sooyeon is coming back with the rest."

he handed a water bottle to minho, chan, changbin, and jeongin. he took a seat next to minho and chan, sighing as he sat back.

"who are you?" felix asked.

"yuta. i was duris secretary." he sighed.

"you worked for that pig?" felix sighed.

"unfortunately. glad i don't have to worry about that anymore." yuta nodded.

"right can we revisit that real quick. minho if you get caught you'll go to prison." chan said, his voice laced with worry.

"it doesn't matter if he gets caught, he's protected." yuta shook his head. "sooyeon and i are protecting him, they can't do anything to him anyways."

"what the fuck...no more information. none. my brain hurts." jeongin shook his head.

"that bitch is a damn good liar though." felix shook his head, unable to move on from his best friends hidden relationship.

"here you guys go." sooyeon handed water bottles to felix, seungmin, and hyunjin.

"guys please don't be upset with jisung." minho was holding back tears once again.

"we're not." hyunjin nodded.

"we agreed to keep us secret because i'm still not out to my parents yet." minho started crying. "and they can't find out, not yet."

"oh, sweetie." sooyeon frowned, pulling him into a hug.

"wait, sooyeon knows?" felix furrowed his brows.

"duri did too. the day jisung moved in with me he told me 'friends don't look at friends like that' or something along those lines. he's noticed from the start." minho nodded as he cried.

"damn, the alcohol fogged my vision too." sooyeon chuckled. "he's not going to die sweetie, it'll all be okay."

"i know i'm just scared." minho sobbed.

"thank you." sooyeon sighed softly. "thank you for loving him. he deserves you. i truly believe you would give him the galaxy if he asked for it."

"clearly he'd do anything for him." yuta chuckled. "sorry."

"are they done yet? where is he?" minho cried.

"they need to be careful if you don't want him to die." yuta chuckled, shaking his head.

"it's been almost an hour!" minho cried.

"minho sweetie, it's okay." sooyeon spoke softly.

"i haven't seen the soft side of her since i was seven." felix practically whispered.

"brings me back." hyunjin nodded.

"way back." seungmin chuckled.

"remember when she surprised us with a treehouse? she was so excited that jisung had friends coming over all the time." jeongin smiled.

"remember when she taught us how to bake cookies!" hyunjin smiled.

"i remember that. you and seungmin got into a flour war." sooyeon laughed.

"and now we're dating so, putting flour on his face payed off." hyunjin smiled.

"wait, really!? wow, you guys are so grown up now." sooyeon frowned.

"we're adults now mama." felix chuckled.

"oh my god." sooyeon began crying. "i remember you used to call me 'mama' all the time."

"i was very attached to you." felix nodded.

"i'm sorry..i need a minute." she stood up, sobbing into her hands as she walked away.

it had hit her how badly she had effected everyone. how it wasn't just her son, but all of his friends and family too. she had allowed herself to become lost in the alcohol for years and years of not only her life, but also theirs.

she couldn't stand herself.

"mama." she heard from behind her.

"oh felix, i'm so sorry." she sobbed as his arms wrapped around her.

"if jisung can forgive you, then so can i." he nodded. "i can see how much you've already changed. you're turning back into the mother we knew and loved."

"i'm so, so sorry." she sobbed harder. "there's so much you don't know, and i don't think i can bring myself to tell you. but he's gone now, so i can heal now."

"drink some water, yeah?" hyunjin approached them, handing her a water bottle.

she took deep breaths as she accepted the water. she took a big drink, letting out a shaky sigh as she closed the bottle.

"let's go wait for jisung. he should be back soon." hyunjin smiled.

"let's go." she nodded.

the three walked back over to the waiting area. they took their seats, anxiously waiting for any news about jisung.

"so...how long have you guys been together?" seungmin asked minho.

"you guys remember when i bought him the hello kitty lighter?" minho chuckled. "he told me he could kiss me so i told him to do it. and...he did. and then i asked him to be my boyfriend and he said yes, obviously."

"it's been that long?" jeongin gasped.

"yeah...it really has been a while." minho nodded.

"that's so cute oh my god." hyunjin started crying.

"hyune, why are you crying." seungmin chuckled.

"because they're s-so cute a-and i'm so ha-happy for jisung." hyunjin sobbed out.

"mother fucker bought him a piano and couldn't ask him to be his boyfriend until AFTER they kissed." felix laughed.

"can you let me live? damn." minho joined his laughter.

"no, i can not." felix shook his head.

"WAIT!" changbin shouted. "so when we were in the studio and he released alien telling us a sob story about how he couldn't tell you he likes you, YOU WERE ALREADY TOGETHER?"

"...yeah." minho laughed. "ahh, i'm kinda sad jisung didn't get to see your reactions."

"you sneaky mother fuckers." chan laughed as he shook his head.

"for...han jisung?" the nurse called out.

a/n: HELLOOOOOOOO HONEYS! how are you guys? talk to me, about anything.

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