Part 3-Mystic Falls High

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Mercy despised the school as soon as she stepped foot into its ground. She could tell she would be able to do nothing that she wanted to do. At least she would ace history classes though.

She walked through the crowded halls on strict rules not to use her powers if someone pissed her off. She hated the rule almost as much as she hated the school itself.

She made a few friends, some better than others, and got a bunch of drama that had happened since she wasn't there.

Elena was dating Stefan, then Mercy's father took him away from her so she went to Damon-Stefan's brother- and they are still happy together. She got many reasons as to why Elena didn't want to see Stefan and why she kept avoided conversation about him. Even though Elena didn't want to see Stefan, he wouldn't leave her alone, he kept hovering over her shoulder and begging for forgiveness, Elena wouldn't budge.

After lunch it was time for history class with Stefan, Bonnie, and Elena. She knew she would ace it.

"Please welcome our new student, Mercy Mikaelson," the teacher announced to the class, which erupted into whispers and those sitting close to Mercy backed away from her slowly, trying to to startle her. In every class the same thing happened, they distanced themselves and whispered behind her back, even though she could hear them.

"Mercy, come introduce yourself to the class," the teacher-Mr. Saltzman said, not exactly asking but Mercy answered as though he was.

"No thanks teach," she said, smirking menacingly.

"It wasn't exactly a question," he tried.

"Neither was mine," Mercy said, not giving up. She was so improperly named. She gave no mercy. She feasted on the fear of her victims and made sure they knew not to mess with her again, if there was a next time, that was.

"Just because you are a Mikaelson doesn't mean you disobey me, Mercy," Mr. Saltzman said sternly, like that would help. It just made it worse. Mercy hated being told what to do.

A girl in the back spoke up, "pretty sure it does!"

Mercy smiled again and rushed to the window using her Vampire speed.

"Miss Mikaelson! Sit down now, I realize it's your last class of the day but that doesn't mean you ditch it," Saltzman said to her.

"Where's the fun in that?" Mercy inquired before jumping out of the window and rushing to the woods where she felt safe.

She reached the edge of the woods and started to climb her favorite tree that she discovered when Jenna, Elena, and Jeremey thought she was sleeping. Little did they know, she had snuck out of her bedroom window and spotted the tallest tree around, and climbed it.

Back from her thoughts Mercy continued to climb up the tree and sat on one of the highest branches for peace.

She sensed someone approaching her and didn't bother to turn around or open her eyes, she knew who it was already.

"Go away Stefan," Mercy demanded trying to adjust herself on the branch to get away from him.

"Mercy I just want to talk," he said and Mercy barked a laugh.

"I had nothing to say to you ripper" she called, knowing it hurt him to be called that.

He sighed and launched himself up to grab Mercy's wrist. She fell out of the tree with a startled yelp.

"What was that for!" Mercy yelled.

"So you would listen"

"Yeah cause I do that so well!"

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