F o u r t e e n

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The moon rose high in the sky, almost directly above the camp. An hour until it reaches its peak. Mercy was thrilled. What they didn't know about the deal was that if they didn't answer by the peak of the moon, Hope dies in front of them.

"Hey love. Enjoying the moonlight?" A thick British accent called out, making her turn her head and look back.

"Yes I am Peter. Are the lost boys asleep?" Mercy smiled.

He nodded and sat beside her on the sandy beach.

"Why do you love this beach so much?" He pondered.

She shrugged, "It's peaceful and calming. It reminds me of a tree I enjoyed in Mystic Falls."

"You know there are plenty of trees around here. It's a jungle!"

Mercy laughed, "I'm aware of that fact Peter. The thing about that tree was I was high above the sight of normal people. I could relax without being watched by humans."

"What makes a beach like that?"

"No one comes here often. I scare the mermaids so I have solitude here."

Pan nodded and looked at the star filled sky, "Do you know the constellations?"

Mercy shrugged again, "I know a few," she pointed at one, "that's Orion's Belt," she pointed again, "that's Ursa Major and next to it is Ursa Minor," she pointed at three more, "that one's the Scorpio star sign and that one is the Cancer star sign. That one's the Capricorn star sign. That's all I know."

"What about the Big Dipper and the Little Dipper?" Pan frowned.

"That's Ursa Major and Ursa Minor dumbass," Mercy laughed and leaned back in the sand.

Pan out a hand over his heart and gasped sarcastically, "How dare you call me a dumbass!"

Mercy laughed again and looked over at him and whispered, "dumbass"

She leaped into the air and ran to the opposite end of the beach, "Ascendo" she started to float in the air and sighed with relief when he couldn't get to her. She quickly veered herself over to a ledge before the spell wore off.

He tapped her shoulder, "hello love. Think you could run from me?"

She laughed and placed a cuff on his wrist before jumped off the ledge and back to the beach. He tried to teleport and failed.

Pan gasped, "how dare you cancel out my magic!" Mercy laughed and plopped on the sand again.

"Good luck getting down without magic!" Mercy smirked and closed her eyes.

Pan huffed and started walking off the cliff, back to the beach when he ran into Klaus, Elijah, and healed Rebekah.

"Mercy they have decided!" Pan called out. Mercy appeared behind the fearsome three and held a finger to her lips.

"Pan where is Mercy. She made the deal she will be here to fulfill it." Rebekah asked.

Mercy blew pixie dust in Rebekah and Elijah's faces and laughed maniacally as she came to stand in front of Klaus.



"What have you decided. Hope stays, you and the rest of the family leaves. The rest of the family stays, Hope leaves." Mercy asked.

"It was a majority rule's decision and apparently we have a lot of selfish people so we decided that Hope stays, the rest of us leave," Mercy was about to say something but Klaus held up a finger, "but I have one more thing to say. We want a trade. Hope leaves, but anyone you want to stays."

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