Part 5- Neverland

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Peter Pan POV:
The shadow brought a girl. Why on earth would it do that? I watched as she stood up and looked around right before I blew pixie dust in her face, knocking her out.

"Should we make her think she's the only one on the island?" I asked, last time we did that it was funny and it was a boy. I wanted to know how the girl would react to the same thing.

"We did that to Curly and he tried to kill himself. Twice," Felix pointed out.

"But it was entertaining, was it Not?" I argued

Felix chuckled lightly, "yes it was."

It was settled. The girl would be left alone and made to feel as though she was alone here. Let's see how this turns out.

Mercy's POV:
I awoke again and jumped up quickly, having no memory of what happened I looked around and felt someone watching me from the forest.

I glared know the general direction the I felt the presence, "I know someone it watching me! I can sense it!"

Then it was gone. I figured it was just the same shadow that brought me here and shrugged it off. I walking into the forest and grabbed a stick, I concentrated and turned the stick into a decently sharp dagger.

I nodded and continued my walk into the dense woods.

Peter Pan POV:
I heard her yell at me and then I took a step backward and then she shrugged.

She continued walking into the forest of Neverland and grabbed a stick. I watched her close her eyes and turn the stick into a dagger. So she was a witch. I could handle that.

Back to third person POV:

Mercy walking deeper into the woods until she found a tree with apples growing on it. She smiled hungrily and started to climb the tree.

She realized it was too far away to climb so she looked around and saw no one and jumped to the highest branch and grabbed an apple. She sat there and ate the apples keeping her eyes in the direction that she felt someone watching her. Little did she know that Peter Pan was watching her and his jaw dropped when he saw her jump into the tree with no effort.

It started to get dark so Mercy climbed out of the tree and walked around for a little bit longer before finding a tree house.

I knew I wasn't the only one here! Mercy though to herself. Still she needed somewhere to stay so she climbed the ladder and closed the trapdoor behind her. Without turning on the lights to give away her position, she snapped and her everyday clothes turned into comfy pjs.

She walked to the bed and laid down thinking. She didn't sleep she just needed whoever was watching her to think she slept.
She felt the sun of her face and knew it was safe to get up now. Tomorrow she wouldn't act like she slept she would just stay up and explore the forest. She snapped and her regular clothes came back.

She walked out of the treehouse carefully, barely making a sound when she hit the ground and ran off. Peter followed her curiosity getting the better of him and watched as she found a wild boar and didn't even bother taking out her dagger.
What is wrong with this girl. Does she want to eat? Peter though watching her approach the boar.

Mercy smiled at her next meal, sad it wasn't human blood but good enough to keep her going. Her face changed, her eyes turned yellow, and the veins under her eyes turned black and began to pop, her fangs grew out and she grabbed her meal and sank her teeth into it.

The boat squealed loudly until it was dead, drained of all its blood.

Pan watched as Mercy turned around, her face not yet back to normal, and wipe her mouth with her thumb. Pan nearly fell out of the tree he was watching her from.
She is a witch, vampire, and werewolf, Pan thought.

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