T w e n t y - t h r e e

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Hello everyone, before I begin I would like to say that this will be the final chapter of this book. When you finish reading this (or even right now) could you please comment and give me other ideas on what I should do? Thank you!!! Enjoy the final part of Mikaelson In Neverland!
"We should get back to camp. I'll talk to you later Ariel." Mercy waves at the mermaid before leading Davina back to the boys camp.

They walked in silence, the occasional stick breaking under Davina's careless steps.

When they reached the clearing Mercy entered first, stopping all conversation.

"Well? Don't stop because of me, as you were!" Mercy glared and everyone turned away and continued their conversations.

"There you are Mercy! We've been worried sick!" Peter ran up, followed by Alex, Mighty, and Artemis.

"I wasn't gone that long, relax. Peter," Mercy turned to the forest orbed boy, "I must speak with you."

He nodded and walked away with her, leaving Davina with Mighty, Alex, and Artemis.

"Peter, I need you to arrange transportation for Davina back to San Francisco, where Kol and her live." Mercy explained.

"I'll see what I can do," Peter promised, walking back to the camp.

Mercy followed behind him shortly after.

"Davina!" Mercy shouted when she walked into camp. Her aunt looked up and smiled, she started to walk to her niece.

"Yes, Mercy?" Davina was still smiling.

"I've asked Peter to arrange you transport off the island, back to San Francisco so you can be with Kol." Mercy explained.

"Really?" Davina sounded like a little child was given a puppy.

"Yes. You should be off the island within a week." Mercy put in a fake smile, something she was way too good at.

"Thank you Mercy, you've no idea how much this means to me"

"I think I do. We need to get make to camp."

They walked back and Mercy collapsed next to Peter, they both soon retreated into their hut, Mercy later seen walking back to her Lost Girls Camp so she can stay with them when they need her and she needs them the most.

"Girls!" Mercy shouted over the chaos of training.

An echo is 'yes' cam from the girls.

"Tonight, WE FEAST!" She snapped and players of meat, fruits, nuts and all other things appeared on the massive table. The girls rushed to take their seats, Mercy taking hers at the head of the table.

They dug in and didn't even notice as Mercy snuck up into her room until after they had eaten.

Peter was waiting in her room when she pushed open her door.

"Do you need something Peter?" She asked, plopped down on her bed bedside him.

"No, but you shouldn't be alone right now. I'll stay here with you so you actually have a least a little bit of sleep." Peter crawled under her quilt and monotones for her to do the same. She crawled in beside him reluctantly.

"Is Davina doing alright?" Mercy asked.

"Yes she's fine. She should be off the island tomorrow or the next day. Ariel promised to bring me a bean, said it would take her a day or two to locate one." Peter sighed and wrapped his arms around Mercy's waist, pulling her against his chest.

She sighed and buried her face in her pillow, together they fell asleep to the gentle sound of waves in the background.
The next morning Mercy awoke and crawled out of bed without Peter noticing. She waved a hand over her body and her clothes changed to clean ones (if only life were that simple) before sneaking out of her window to her favorite part of the island, not the beach but the cliff overlooking the beach.

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