Part 7-Astro Projection gone wrong

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After Mercy had been training with Pan privately, she has gotten to the point where she can beat Pan if she wanted too, if he didn't use his magic.

Mercy got better at controlling her emotions to control her powers. She is allowed to run through the camp and forest as a wolf to blow off some steam, it's encouraged, actually.

Pan had taken a liking to Mercy. She had the fire and spirit none of his boys did, he liked that. Felix was his second in command but Pan had a plan, the second he did anything to wrong him or make him unworthy of being second in command, he would give the spot to Mercy right away.

Mercy was perfect for it. She cared for the boys, but could out her foot down if needed. She provided the scare the Felix did not possess in him. Mercy and Pan's training sessions began to lessen as she grew more powerful and needed them less. Though they would still fight each other, the only worthy appointment for them. When angry, they admit things they wouldn't while normal, like Mercy had admitting her name, blinded by her rage.

Pan was dying though, he needed the heart of the truest believer and knew who it was. He found his picture in the echo caves around 100 years ago. 90 years later, Mercy shows up, times passes differently here though, she has no clue how long it's been.

"Peter!" Mercy shouted, walking around the forest floor.

"I'm up here love," Pan called back, sitting high in his thinking tree. Mercy sighed and jumped up there to get to him.

"Peter," she said again.

"Yes love"

"I miss my family. The ones who care. Do you mind if I send them a message or Astro Project myself so I can see them again?"

"Sure love. What do you need"

"Candles" and then she was gone.

Pan sighed and teleported to where he assumed she would be, he was correct. Mercy was sitting in a field of glow in the dark flowers, perfect for doing spells.

Pan snapped, and candles appeared in front of her. She smiled and began her Astro Projection. She thought of Marcel, Davina, and Kol and boom, there she was.

"Mercy!" They shouted, going to hug her and falling right through her.

Davina frowned, "Why are you Astro Projecting?"

"I wanting to see y'all, I missing you guys so much, I know it's been like five months and it's overdue but, I'm safe and perfectly fine. I've learned how to control my magic and got better and combat. Where I am is amazing, the perfect magic spot. I love it and probably won't be home for a while but I'm fine. Love and miss y'all very much-" Mercy was about to say more when they stopped her.

"Mercy, it's been 10 years," Kol and Marcel said.

She gasped, "no that can't be right it's been 5 months for me!"

"Mercy, a-are you on Neverland?" Davina asked.

"Y-wait how do you know about Neverland?" Mercy began then though of something.

"Shit Mercy! Get out of there! You do not need to be on Neverland! It's dangerous and Peter Pan is a demon!" Marcel said, anger and worry being the main points in his tone.

"I promise I'm fine. Peter is nice and is helping me control my magic and help me with combat. You know I don't trust people unless they give me a reason to" Mercy explained, getting angry and raising her tone.

On the other side of the Astro Projection, Pan saw Mercy tense and placed a gentle hand on her shoulder to sooth her.

"Mercy we are getting Bonnie and Elena and coming to get you away from him. He is worse than Klaus. Do not be fooled by his charm" Kol said. Mercy ended the projection she couldn't take it anymore.

"P-Peter run! I have to let it out! I have to scream! RUN!" Mercy shouted knowing she couldn't hold it in much longer. Pan saw the look in her eyes and took off to the camp.

Once Mercy knew Pan was out of range and wouldn't get hurt she let it out. She screamed until her lungs had nothing left. She screamed until her chest hurt. She screamed until her throat hurt and grew raspy. Then she collapsed and sobbed until her chest hurt more and her tears were gone.

"Mercy?" Pan called walking back through the forest where he left her. When he arrived he saw her curled in on herself and her shoulders shaking from her dry sobs. He placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder and turn her into his chest. Mercy continued to shake until her sobs turned into sniffles.

"I'm sorry Peter. I know I'm weak," Mercy said, pulling away from Pan's hold.

"No you're not. You are stronger than every little and big lost boy here. You are one of the strongest people I know. Now what made you break down like so?" He asked her.

Mercy got herself together and wiped her tears. Her face becoming the stone he was used to before telling him, "My family knows where I am. I swear I didn't tell them they guessed and say you are a demon and that they think I'm being held prisoner and are coming to get me."

Pan tensed and tightened his hold on Mercy, "No one is taking the Queen from her Kingdom."

Pan smirked and Mercy smiled. They walked back to camp and waited for the inevitable.

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