Part 9- Helping Pan

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N/A: Hello I hope those who have read are enjoying this story so far, I think I'm going pretty good but I'm also not to sure. This is my first of hopefully many Wattpad stories. Enjoy part 9!

3rd person POV (Davina, Marcel, Kol, & Hope)

Davina was leading the way, a ball of light floating above her hand to create enough light to see.

"Do you even know where you're going?" Kol asked, getting impatient knowing that his niece was in the hands of a demon.

"I can sense Mercy ahead. Just a general direction, not much but it's there," Davina explained.

"Just trust Davina, Kol. She'll get us to Mercy eventually," Marcel told him, placing a reassuring hand on his shoulder.

"Did Mercy really envy me?" Hope asked after a long awkward silence.

"Only until she was three. She got over it and became a powerful witch with the help of Davina, and a blood-thirsty vampire with the help of me and Marcel," Kol explained.

"Oh" was all Hope could say again.

After another hour of walking, Davina stopped moving and put out her light, signaling the other to shut their traps.

She turned and whispered, "His camp is around one hundred yards from here, be quiet and we can sneak Mercy away"

They all nodded and started walking towards the camp.

Davina, Marcel, Kol, and Hope watched as Mercy laughed at the lost boys and smiled at the demon known as Pan. She looked towards the forest and found Hope's eyes.

Mercy became pale and glared at Hope before getting up and running to Pan.

"Peter!" Mercy shouted, grabbing Pan and pulling him out of the hearing range of Davina, Marcel, Kol, and Hope.

"Ugh! She saw me and ran off to warn Pan!" Hope complained.

"We have to go so she doesn't try and follow us. She obviously isn't a prisoner as I thought," Davina sighed and led them back to the others.

Meanwhile with Mercy and Pan:

"Peter!" Mercy shouted at him, pulling him away and into the depth of the forest.

"What Mercy?" Pan scowled and crossed his arms over his chest.

"Hope was watching me. They betrayed me and brought the sister who didn't even know me!" She threw her hands around while she talked, anger taking control of her and making her glow a blood red color-literally.

"Mercy. Breathe," Pan said, grabbing her shoulder and staring into her now midnight colored eyes.

She closed her eyes and took several deep breaths. Her glow became weaker and the flickered out. She opened her eyes slowly and they were back to their normal E/C.

"Sorry Peter. They betrayed me and it hurt. It hurt so bad," Mercy said. Before Pan could respond her eyes lit up and she smirked devilishly.

Pan smirked at her, "What does my Dear Mercy have in the darkened mind of hers?"

"I have a few ideas on how to blow off my steam," she explained, still smirking.

"Oh do continue," Pan did his eyebrow thing.

"One, I could run around and cause no trouble-" she started and Pan stopped her.

"Where's the fun in the love?" He pouted.

"I was getting to that," she smirked and continued, "two, I could run around and figure out where everyone set up camp to help you and cause some trouble. Or I could fight you again"

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