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Mercy sat up in her bed that she didn't remember walking to, she rubbed her eyes and stood up.

She could feel someone watching her and sighed, "Peter stop staring at me!"

"You know me too well now Love." He smirked and pulled Mercy in by her waist and kissed her softly.

"Is this going to be an everyday thing now?" She asked, burying her head in his chest.

"Yes. Also I have an idea, a proposal, really." Pan said, Mercy looked up at him.

"Do continue Peter."

"It must get lonely being one of the only girls on the island correct?" He asked and Mercy nodded slightly, "Well I've been thinking and decided that lost girls should have a place to feel safe and lived under the rule of the Queen of Neverland."

Mercy beamed, "Really?! I get lost girls?"

Pan nodded and Mercy hugged him tightly, "Thank you so much Peter!"

"Of course. Your first girl will be here soon. I'll let you get her on your own so she's not scared." Pan said. Mercy hugged him again and got ready to get her first lost girl.

A few hours later she felt to presence of someone on the beach and then heard yelled.

"Get your bloody hands off of me you little asshole!" A girl shouted, the shadow flew away and Mercy approached the girl.

"Who the hell are you and where am I?" She demanded.

"My name is Mercy and your on Neverland. What's your name?" Mercy answered and then asked a question of her own.

The girl straightened her back and answered proudly, "Alexandra. But I prefer Alex."

"Nice to meet you Alex." Mercy smiled and offered a hand, "care to get off this bloody beach and get some warmer clothes on?"

Alex nodded and took Mercy's hand.

Mercy explained how the island works and that she was the second girl the step foot on this island.

"Wow. So you were the first?"

"Yes I was. I haven't built a place for us girls yet but I plan to make one soon. For now you can stay in my hut with the boys. They won't bother you if you stay by me." She explained to Alex.

Alex smiled, "Deal."

Mercy led Alex to her hut and offered her some clothes with a black cloak resting on top, "I'll let you change. Come find me when your done, if you can't see me ask a boy with forest green eyes or the one with a giant scar down his face and they'll let you know." Mercy told the girl and walked out to let her change.

Alex finished changing and couldn't see Mercy so she looked for either of boys she told her to find. The first one she encountered was the one with forest green eyes and tousled hair.

~Alexandra (Alex) POV~
I walked up to the boy with forest green eyes, "Hey green eyes! Where's Mercy at?"

The boy turned around and looked at me, "You must be the lost girl. I'm Peter. Peter Pan."

I turned and snatched a sword out of a nearby boys hand and held it to his throat, "You need to teach you shadow to be a little more gentle! I don't like being held my the hair and foot! It's uncomfortable!" I hissed.

"I see why Mercy took a liking to you. She's in the forest setting up a place for the lost girls to stay. She'll be back shortly." He explained to me.

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