T h i r t e e n

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Mercy reappeared at the cages and startled Hope.

"Hiya sis, how ya doin?" Mercy laughed and propped herself up on a nearby tree coated in soft moss.

"What do you want Mercy?" Hope asked, leaning back against the cage when she saw who it was.

"Well I guess you don't want to get out of there to eat oh well..." Mercy began to walk off.

"Wait! I'll come eat. I don't need blood though. I haven't died yet." Hope called out.

Mercy smirked and flicked her wrist, unlatching the cage to let her out, "Enjoy freedom without magic. I'm not taking the bracelet off." She stalked back to camp with Hope on her trail.

She led Hope to the camp and shoved her into a ring, "First training fight of the day: Hope versus Devin." Mercy announced and tossed them both sticks. Devin smirked and just started to believe that the stick was a sword, sure enough, it turned into one. Hope tilted her head to the side and then shrugged it off, thinking Mercy had done something to make it unfair to her. Hope held up her stick and swatted at Devin who chopped it in half easily.

"Ok now no weapons. Hand to hand combat. Go!" Mercy sat back on a log and watched.

Devin tossed his sword up and thought of it as a stick again. He caught the sword turned stick and tossed it into the woods before squaring up with Hope. Hope tossed her stick away to and squared up with Devin. She smiled and threw a right hook which Devin dodged just barely.

Devin kicked Hope's legs out from underneath her and held his arm across her collarbone and smirked down at her.

"Devin wins. Hope, how does it feel, being beat by a boy who is five years younger than you?" Mercy smiled and pulled Hope off the ground, "Go clean up. You can eat now."

Hope nodded and headed to the lagoon. The lagoon filled with people-eating Mermaids.

She went to go wade through the water and heard a voice.

"You know if you want to die just go ask to fight Mercy, don't hand yourself to the Mermaids!" A deep British accent called out.

Hope whipped around and rolled her eyes, "Mermaids don't exist. Nice try."

"Oh but they do, and they are not nice creatures either. They lure people to their deaths with their beauty and voices. Don't let them device you, that would be no fun."

"Fine. Where do I clean up?"

"Down by the beach where me and Mercy fight. Just follow the trail of blood and you'll find it. The Mermaids fear Mercy and know she hangs out there so they don't go near there. You'll be fine." And with that, the mystery boy vanished. Hope thought she knew his voice but couldn't remember his name.

She shrugged and started in the general direction of the beach. When she saw a trail of deep red getting bigger the closer to the beach she got. She followed it and reached the bloody beach.

Hope looked around and made sure no one was looking before wading into clear waters. Once she was done she got dressed and decided y to try and find her family again.

She looked around and darted the direction of their camp.

Someone tripped her and she face planted.

"I thought I told you, there is no escaping, me and Pan will find you in a matter of seconds. Nothing goes unnoticed by us. Back to the cage sense you obviously can't be trusted." A female voice sighed and lifted Hope up.

"Mercy let me go back to our family! You can come with me!" Hope tried. Mercy laughed.

"What makes you think I want to go back to the people who betrayed me?"

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